Bamboo palm

Hamedoraea or bamboo palm is a multi-barreled palm tree, whose height at home does not exceed 1.5 meters. The homeland of the hood is the South and Central America. Based on the fact that the plant grows in mountainous areas, a hamedorei is often called a "mountain palm". Species of bamboo palm trees, which have become houseplants a few. All kinds are similar to each other, and care of them is identical.

How does the honeydorea blossom? Flowers hamedorei its bright yellow color and tenderness like a mimosa. Female plants exude a pleasant sweetish flavor. To ensure that after flowering bamboo palm has not weakened and has not stopped growing, it is necessary to make additional fertilizing.

Many flower growers, who are attracted by the decorative nature of the plant, would like to know how to care for the hamedoray.

Bamboo palm: care

  1. Lighting . Hamedorei should be kept in a well-lit place, but it must be taken into account that it does not tolerate direct sunlight. It is preferable to place the plant on the east or west window.
  2. Temperature . The optimum air temperature in the warm period is +18 ... +25 degrees, in the cold time + 15 ... + 19 degrees. In winter, it is not recommended to place a bamboo palm near radiators and other heating appliances.
  3. Watering and humidity . It is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil - its top layer should dry slightly. Standard chomedorei is watered in summer 2 - 3 times, in winter - once a week. Spray the plant from the atomizer daily, and in the summer heat - even 2 times a day.
  4. Top dressing . Honey-dressing needs fertilizing only in the spring and summer. The best fertilizer for palm trees and dracen is best.

Honeyedore: transplant after purchase

Freshly purchased plant, experienced flower growers recommend replanting immediately after purchase. For the transplant, the most suitable is a soil mix intended for palm trees and dracen. You can also make a mixture for yourself to grow a bamboo palm from clay soil, peat and overripe manure, taken in equal parts. For drainage, sand, charcoal or expanded clay is added. Young plants need a transplant at least once every 2 years, in consequence enough one transplant at 7 years.

Reproduction of the chadodea

Those who have purchased a houseplant recently, it will be interesting to know how the honey-drone breeds. Propagation of bamboo palm with seeds and division of the bush during transplantation. Seeds are planted right after the purchase because they quickly lose their germination. The dishes with the planted seeds are covered with polyethylene and slightly heated. Water should be watered daily and ventilated to prevent mold formation. After 8 to 10 weeks, the shoots are transplanted into the flower pots.

Diseases of the Honey

The consequences of improper care is the loss of a beautiful plant species. If the leaves grow dry, then this indicates a lack of humidity. Regularly spray and ventilate the room where the bamboo palm is kept. When watering with hard water, leaves may start to turn yellow. Excess irrigation and insufficient drainage cause decay of the root system. But not all changes with plant leaves are pathological. Natural process for palm trees - darkening and falling of leaves under the stem is peculiar and hamedoree.

Hamedora: benefit and harm

Hamedora can be placed in any room. It is especially recommended to keep a mountain palm in rooms where there are a lot of artificial materials, as it neutralizes harmful substances in the air. It is believed that the hamedorea contributes to the activation of vitality, relieves of complexes, increases stress resistance. It is not advisable for the egoist to keep a bamboo palm in the room, since it makes him absolutely deaf to the opinion and feelings of the surrounding people.