Casts into the heat

The feeling that the body is covered by a hot wave (cheeks burn, the heart beats faster, sweating is increased) - is familiar to everyone. It is customary to describe it as "throwing me into a fever", and the causes of this syndrome may be of different origins.

Why throw in the heat of women?

This syndrome is often associated with a change in the hormonal background. In women, such "hot flashes" occur during pregnancy or menopause. Nevertheless, even young girls during puberty can complain that they are thrown into fever. This happens on the eve of ovulation.

During menopause, this syndrome is sometimes accompanied by attacks of fear and irritability. The reason for this is the insufficient amount of the hormone estrogen on the background of the fading work of the ovaries. Also, during the menopause there are vegetative disorders, which is why not only throws hot sweat into the fever, but also increases blood pressure.

Other reasons

If the climax is still far away, ovulation has passed, and there is no pregnancy-in short, there is nothing to suspect of female hormones, it is worthwhile to think about other reasons why it is thrown into fever.

  1. Diseases of the thyroid gland. The so-called hypo-and hyperthyroidism are provoked by a deficiency of thyroid hormones, on which regulation of many important processes in the body is.
  2. Hypertension, as well as its complication, is a stroke. Elevated blood pressure is often accompanied by a perceptible heat, sometimes even blushing from the face.
  3. Vegeto-vascular dystonia. This disease involves a jump in blood pressure, which is often "governed" by hormones acetylcholine and adrenaline. To distinguish the action of one from another is simple. Adrenaline is accompanied by excitement: a person feels the heat in the chest and heart area, behaves aggressively, becomes irritable and sullen, the person reddens the action completely opposite to adrenaline - the person is in a passive decadent mood.
  4. Stress, vomiting, intense physical activity. These factors almost always adversely affect the health status, so if you are thrown into a fever, first of all, assess your emotional state and work schedule.

What if I throw in heat?

Disposable attacks with an interval of many months should not cause suspicion, because we live in a world full of stress, work hard, and we do not follow the calendars for hormones. But if it sharply throws in the heat systematically - for sure the body gives an alarm. In this case it is necessary to undergo a survey.

First of all, you should examine the level of hormones. Men need to pass tests to determine the level of testosterone and thyroid hormones. In women, the list of tests is somewhat larger:

When menopause, women should take estrogen-elevating drugs, which will save "hot flashes" and other unpleasant symptoms. If throws in the heat during pregnancy - you just need to be patient, because after the birth the hormonal background will recover.

People who suffer from hypertension should carefully monitor blood pressure and take medications that reduce it.

A suffering vegeto-vascular dystonia (most often it accompanies the patient all his life) should choose a way of life that will not contribute to worsening of the condition.

And, of course, absolutely everyone needs to protect themselves from overloads and stress, because, perhaps, these two factors entail a long tail of the most unpleasant diseases.