Genital Candidiasis

Avoid acquaintance with genital candidiasis, or the so-called thrush, it is possible, perhaps, to be really lucky.

Manifestation of genital candidiasis in women - an inflammatory process in the vagina, signals the active reproduction of the fungus of the genus Candida. Such a situation can be provoked by the following factors:

An important point, which should not be overlooked, is that various latent sexual infections can provoke candidiasis of the genitals. Often, women themselves make a diagnosis of genital candidiasis relying on the characteristic signs. Namely to the symptoms of genital candidiasis are:

As can be seen from the clinical picture, all the symptoms are generally applicable to any genital tract infection. Therefore, an urgent recommendation of doctors is not to treat genital candidiasis with friends' methods, since microorganisms can be more dangerous in the guise of a common yeast infection.

Genital Candidiasis - Treatment

If a woman still after the specialist's appointed tests confirmed the diagnosis of genital candidiasis, then an individual course of treatment is prescribed. Which is selected by a gynecologist, taking into account the characteristics of the patient. In general, treatment should consist of:

The modern pharmaceutical market offers many medicines intended for the treatment of candidiasis. Each of them has its own peculiarities and contraindications, therefore it is necessary to approach the choice responsibly, on the recommendation of the doctor. After all, only after a complete examination can determine the cause of active reproduction of a yeast-like fungus. And, based on it, choose the most effective treatment regimen.

In men, this disease, most often occurs in a latent form, without painful manifestations. However, it should not be left without attention. The course of treatment must be completed by both partners.

A separate topic is genital candidiasis during pregnancy: here you need a special approach and precautions in the treatment.