How to reduce cholesterol without tablets?

Every person has cholesterol in their blood. There are two types: good and bad. In adulthood, people often face the formation of blood clots, worsening of the general condition, heart attacks. All these problems are associated with the increase in the number of "bad" cells in the blood. Many people are interested in how to lower cholesterol in a natural way, that is, without the use of tablets. There are a lot of really good ways to help, about them and we will tell in our article.

How to get rid of cholesterol without pills with a diet?

First of all, in order to reduce cholesterol without tablets, you need to revise your menu, since it is the food that affects its formation. Very good reduction of the number of these cells is the introduction of fish oil into your diet and increased consumption of seeds, nuts, fruits (especially avocado, pomegranate) and berries (cranberries, blueberries, grapes). Also worth adding:

Be sure to eat oatmeal for breakfast.

From the menu it is necessary to exclude "harmful" food:

Positive effect on the level of cholesterol is the rejection of bad habits - smoking and alcohol. You should also avoid using a lot of sweets and coffee. It is better to replace it with a good green or black tea.

How to reduce cholesterol without tablets with exercise?

Daily it is necessary to perform physical exercises, and it is better to enroll in the gym, where the coach will select the load and types of exercises. The fight against excess weight causes a rapid decrease in cholesterol without taking pills, but it must be done correctly. If you change your diet, according to the recommendations presented above, and add daily training, the weight will naturally go away, and along with it, well-being will improve.