What cures a gastroenterologist, what advice will the doctor give you?

What treats the gastroenterologist and what diseases help to get rid of? This question interests people who first came to see this doctor. Gastroenterology, as a division of medicine, has several subsections. All of them, one way or another, are related to the structure and functioning of the human gastrointestinal tract. All digestive organs are subordinate to a specialist in this field.

What is gastroenterology?

Some doctors treated digestive organs in antiquity, but gastroenterology as a separate medical discipline was formed recently, at the beginning of the 19th century. The name of the concept consists of three ancient Greek words: "stomach", "guts" and "teaching." Gastroenterology is a scientific division of medicine that studies the gastrointestinal tract and the pathological processes that arise in it. Depending on the affected bodies, there are individual specialists who advise on certain issues:

  1. Hepatologist - the same gastroenterologist, specializing in diseases of the liver, biliary tract.
  2. The proctologist is studying the anus and rectum.
  3. All sections of the colon are subordinate to the coloproctology . Often these two specialties are combined into one.
  4. The gastrologist (sometimes so abbreviated as a gastroenterologist) deals with stomach problems.

Gastroenterologist - who is this and what heals?

A therapist (pediatrician), a gynecologist or a nutritionist can be sent to a doctor of this specialty for consulting in a matter that they are not competent. But patients still have an open question: who is a gastroenterologist and what does he treat? Today this profession is in demand. According to statistics, the prevalence of digestive diseases is increasing, up to 95% of the world's population needs to see a doctor, receive both children and adults from young to old. What is a gastroenterologist treating a doctor? These are diseases associated with:

When to contact a gastroenterologist?

Most digestive problems are diagnosed at a therapist's reception in a clinic. But knowing that he is being treated by a gastroenterologist, a general practitioner can send a patient to him who complains of a violation of the digestive tract. Long-term difficulties, discomfort, pain associated with digestive processes - the case when you need to contact the gastroenterologist. To anxiety symptoms include:

Reception at the gastroenterologist

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are common among people of all ages, therefore the gastroenterologist can be both an adult (general) and a child - he helps to cope with dysbacteriosis and spasms in infants, pathologies of digestion of older children. Preliminary it is not required to hand over any analyzes, all that is necessary, the expert will find out and will give out a direction on carrying out of necessary inspections. To each patient the doctor approaches individually. The standard method of gastroenterology consists of:

Reception at a gastroenterologist - preparation

As a rule, you do not need to prepare for a gastroenterologist. But some clinics require you to follow certain recommendations: if possible, refrain from eating food and water, do not scrape off the white coating, since it can be taken by a doctor for analysis. If you plan to conduct a study of the stomach, thick or duodenal ulcers, doctors personally and in advance will tell you how to prepare for the examination: whether to sit on the diet beforehand, take a laxative or do an enema. In the rest the doctor-gastroenterologist accepts clients by the general rules.

How does an examination with a gastroenterologist?

At the first meeting, the doctor listens to the main complaints, finds out the causes of the ailment and tries to find out the provocateurs of the phenomenon. To diagnose pathologies, physical examination methods are used, the main one of which is palpation, palpation of the abdomen in order to find the source of pain. When localization is found, the doctor can prescribe a set of additional studies that either confirm or refute the diagnosis. Other methods included in the examination of a gastroenterologist: percussion (percussion) and auscultation (using a stethoscope).

What analyzes are appointed or nominated by the gastroenterologist at inspection?

Diseases that diagnose and treat a gastroenterologist may require additional research. To identify the various pathologies used

What analyzes are appointed or nominated by the gastroenterologist besides it or this? The most common, prescribed for adults and children: analyzes of urine and feces, general and biochemical blood. In addition, an enzyme immunoassay may be required (to identify Helicobacter pylori).

Consultation of a gastroenterologist

A gastroenterologist is an expert in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, but his consultation may be required even for a healthy person who is at risk of certain ailments. Problems of digestion are provoked by poor ecology, abuse of fast food, long-term use of medicines, the passage of courses of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to visit this doctor every 2-3 years.

Councils of the gastroenterologist

The gastroenterologist understands how metabolic processes occur in the body, how the organs of the digestive tract function and what actions cause pathologies. If such diseases are present in the patient, avoidance of exacerbations will help compliance with certain rules. About healthy and proper nutrition and elimination of common ailments will tell the recommendations of the gastroenterologist. They are listened to by people who are monitoring their health and those who are trying to avoid worsening of their condition due to GI problems.

Council of the gastroenterologist on nutrition

The main advice of a doctor in this specialty is about proper nutrition.

To maintain health and not to provoke pathology, the following recommendations should be adhered to:

  1. Do not abuse alcohol. It catalyzes 80% of liver diseases.
  2. Choose fresh products. The diet should be varied with vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, etc.
  3. Limit the consumption of fatty, sweet food. Councils of the children's gastroenterologist can also prohibit citrus, carbonated water, chocolate.
  4. Take care with dietary supplements and home medicine.
  5. Any diet should be agreed with the doctor. Some types of fasting can cause kidney stones.
  6. It is advisable to adhere to a fractional diet, there is little, but often (4-5 times a day - ideally).

Tips gastroenterologist for gastritis

Cope with gastritis, a common disease of young and active, will help a gastroenterologist. Unsuitable way of life (rhythm disturbance, food I do not run) and improper nutrition become provocateurs of gastritis. The doctor recommends completely eliminating bad habits: overeating, alcohol, frequent visits to fast food establishments. If you treat gastritis medically and still continue to behave incorrectly, the problem will not be solved.

It is worth listening to the following tips:

  1. Change the power mode. Eat a little, 3-4 times a day.
  2. Food should be from simple ingredients that are better absorbed. It is important to combine them correctly (lean meat with vegetables).
  3. It is advisable to warm up the food before the reception. It should be warm and soft, it is allowed to grind some dishes in a blender.
  4. Exclude canned, fried foods, chewing gum, spicy dishes.
  5. Monitor the water balance (1-2 liters per day).
  6. Do not forget about vitamins.

Councils of the gastroenterologist with constipation

Trouble with the chair disturb people of all ages. Sometimes on medical and other problems there are constipations. These include a rare defecation, too little of it, an obstruction of the intestine. To correct a situation the diet at intestines illness will help, councils of the gastroenterologist conceived touch it.

The doctor's recommendations are as follows:

  1. Increase the intake of foods high in fiber.
  2. Drink more liquid (plain water, soups, juices).
  3. Regularly eat.
  4. Thoroughly chew food.
  5. Avoid stress and overexertion.

Many people are interested in the question: what is the treatment of a gastroenterologist? This specialist is useful in the occurrence of many problems of the gastrointestinal tract, he knows not only how to diagnose them, but also to quickly cure. Useful advice the gastroenterologist gives about the prevention of diseases, the most common of which are constipation and gastritis. With these problems, people of all ages address the doctor, and all professionals try to help after the examination and tests.