Diarrhea in infants with breastfeeding

Even if you feed the crumbs with the healthiest food - mother's milk, some disorders in the functioning of its intestines are not ruled out. Do not be immediately scared and invent non-existent diagnoses: it is not always a symptom of a serious illness. However, and do not pay attention to diarrhea in infants with breastfeeding is unreasonable. It is best to immediately show it to the doctor. Consider what can be associated with such a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

What can be caused by diarrhea in a baby in GW?

Manifestations of diarrhea in a baby can cause a number of factors. First of all, you need to remember that a child has a chair for up to a year, even with complementary foods, simply can not be firm. After all, he eats mainly mother's milk with only a few impregnations of other products, so the feces will in any case have a liquid consistency. However, diarrhea in infants with breastfeeding is possible, and here are its main reasons:

How does diarrhea in a baby show up to a year of GV?

The signs of diarrhea in infants during breastfeeding are quite typical, so that even an inexperienced mother can suspect the wrong:

  1. The chair becomes too liquid and resembles water in consistency.
  2. Fecal masses increase in volume with each bowel movement, and the child goes to the toilet quite often, every half hour or even 15 minutes.
  3. In the feces large "flakes" of incomprehensible color appear.
  4. The color of the stool may be greenish or even brown, while it foams, includes mucus or blood.
  5. The feces smell very unpleasant, often with something sour.
  6. In the tummy, the baby is very seething, it often releases gases, it worries and cries, which is most likely due to colic. Sometimes the crumb, on the contrary, becomes sluggish.
  7. The baby has fever, nausea, vomiting in combination with a loose stool.
  8. Around the anus, parents see irritation and redness.

In each of these cases, you can suspect diarrhea in a baby breastfed.

What to do in case of diarrhea in a baby who is on GV?

Without going to the doctor in this case can not do, but most likely, he will say to do the following:

  1. Apply crumbs to your chest as often as possible. It is very important not to dehydrate, so the baby needs to drink a lot. If he already eats lure, dope it with water, decoction of raisins or compote of dried fruits.
  2. During diarrhea, many salts of potassium and sodium are excreted from the body, so the baby can be given Regidron, Glucosolan and other pharmacy salt solutions designed to compensate for the lack of these substances in the body.
  3. If diarrhea in breastfeeding on breastfeeding is accompanied by a temperature, treatment will include taking drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen.
  4. With a mild disorder of the stool from the diet of the baby, it is necessary to exclude meat or dairy products if it receives them as complementary foods. The same goes for the mother's menu, if the baby is on pure breastfeeding. In case of frequent and prolonged diarrhea for several days, it is recommended to feed the baby only with mother's milk.

If the child is pale, his lips are cracked or the temperature is too high, - immediately call an ambulance.