Heart blockade

When the impulse is slowed down or completely stopped, the cardiac blockade occurs on the conduction system. It leads to a slowed and irregular heartbeat. Let's consider what is the cause of this phenomenon, and what treatment should be used to improve the patient's condition.

Causes of heart block

The emergence and development of this disease can provoke the following:

There are several degrees of the disease:

  1. The first can be attributed a partial blockade of the heart, when carrying out the impulses, although slow, but there is.
  2. At the second degree - incomplete blockade of the heart, the following manifestations can be attributed: not all impulses enter the ventricle, individual ventricular contractions drop out.
  3. But the complete blockade of the heart is called the third degree of the disease. At the same time the atria and ventricles are reduced from each other independently.

Blockade of the ventricle of the heart can be provoked by the following factors:

It should be noted that such a ventricular blockade does not affect health and does not threaten the patient's life. But if you do not do the appropriate treatment, the disease can go to more severe stages and lead to a complete blockade of the heart. It is easy to see and recognize by an electrocardiogram.

Symptoms of heart block

All blockades may manifest as a slow rhythm of contractions. The following symptoms may occur:

A complete blockade is manifested by convulsions and loss of consciousness.

It is important to note, what is dangerous is cardiac blockade. In addition, that its appearance can provoke a number of diseases, the further development of pathology can lead to heart failure and death.

Treatment of heart block

It is worth saying that the treatment and its methods depend solely on the severity and extent of the disease. So, for example, if the symptoms were not noticed, and the diagnosis of the blockade was discovered by accident, then no treatment may be needed. In this case, the patient needs complete rest. When the problem has arisen as a result of taking medication, you should contact your doctor who will prescribe other drugs. Treatment is necessary in the event that blockade of the heart was caused by the underlying disease. Most often prescribed drugs blocking sodium channels, for example:

If the patient has a third degree of cardiac blockade with a very complicated course, then the main method of his treatment is to determine the pacemaker.

It also happens that the patient may have a prolonged fainting fit during the blockade of the heart. With such a manifestation it is necessary to inflict 2-3 punches in the area of ​​the supracuratus, as well as to conduct an indirect cardiac massage and electrical pacing.

Also in the period of treatment and as a preventive measure, you can use folk remedies, for example, decoctions of such medicinal herbs as:

These herbs very well affect the impulse, and their decoctions will contribute to the rapid recovery of the body.