25 things that we never clean (and worth it)

It's time to bring the house in order!

1. Combs

Almost all of them collect hair from their combs. But it is also important to wash them from the remnants of hair products and sebum. Will help warm water and shampoo.

2. Toothbrushes

Toothbrushes are a breeding ground for bacteria. Therefore it is very useful to periodically soak them in a mouth rinse or usual vinegar.

3. Toothbrush holder

How long have you been cleaning the brush stand? Look inside, there must be dirt. It needs to be cleaned and soak the stand in the mouth rinse for a few minutes, and then rinse with water.

4. Filters for vacuum cleaner

They accumulate allergens and even dust mites. It is easy to wash the filter in a dishwasher.

5. Trash Bins

Even if you use garbage bags, periodic cleaning of the tanks from the inside will help to avoid an unpleasant odor.

6. Phones (mobile and stationary)

Another unobvious breeding ground for bacteria. You can clean with alcohol and a small rag or special antibacterial napkins.

7. Shutters and shower mats

You can wipe it with vinegar or just wash it in a washing machine.

8. Game consoles and joysticks

Use rags made of microfiber, old toothbrushes and a non-aggressive cleanser. Only first remove the batteries and apply the product to the cloth, not to the console itself.

9. Steering wheel

If the wheel is leather, use skin cleansers. If plastic, suitable moist antibacterial napkins.

10. Mats at the entrance door

First, just shake out the dirt and knock out the rug. Then it should be washed. Depending on the material from which your rug is made, you can simply use water or a mild detergent.

11. Blankets and pillows

Just changing the bed linen is not enough. Periodically it is necessary to wash the pillows and blankets themselves. Follow the instructions on the label to do this correctly. Some can be washed in a conventional typewriter (on how to do it read here ), and some will have to be taken to dry cleaning.

12. Door handles and locks

Admit, to whom of you it occurred that they, too, must be cleaned? Meanwhile, you constantly touch them with your hands, which means that bacteria constantly accumulate and multiply on them.

13. Grill grill

The grandfather's way - before the next use just to burn the remains of the previous meal. A more civilized method is to clean the ammonia solution. Put the grate in a tight bag, pour the solution inside and very tightly tie. After that, it will not be difficult to clean the grate. Use only outdoors.

14. Home Flowers

Yes, they also accumulate dust. Therefore, it is necessary to wipe large leaves with a damp cloth, and plants with small leaves should be sprayed with water from the sprayer.

15. Sponges for the shower

Another thing that needs regular cleaning. Washcloths can be washed in a washing machine or soaked in a solution of vinegar.

16. Headphones

If you do not want to get an ear infection, wipe them with a cloth soaked in alcohol. Some headphones have replaceable silicone attachments. They can be washed in soapy water.

17. Lamp shades

A sticky roller for clothes will help remove all dust.

18. Water bottles

To get rid of the smell, several methods can help - wash in a dishwasher, leave for the night, pour boiling water, or water with the addition of a couple of spoons of soda, or water with the addition of vinegar.

19. Silicone molds for freezing water

Have you noticed a white raid on them? To get rid of it will help soaking in vinegar with water.

20. Dish washer

In pallets water often accumulates and mold appears. Helps her bleach. Soak about ¼ cup of bleach in 3 liters of water for 20 minutes, wipe with a sponge.

21. An iron

Use soda with water (cook a gruel from these two ingredients) and a toothbrush or rag. The way works better if the iron is a little warm (but not hot!)

22. Toys for the bathroom

If not properly dried, mold will form inside and out. To cope with it will help soaking in water with vinegar or bleach.

23. Air conditioning grilles

Wipe the grilles from dust and dirt with a knife wrapped in a rag. Read more on how to clean the air conditioner here.

24. Bank cards

Few thought about the fact that bank cards also need to be cleaned. But we always take them with dirty hands. All you need is a wet napkin and a soft eraser. First, wipe the card with a tissue, without touching the magnetic tape. And then rub the magnetic tape with an elastic band.

25. Mats for yoga

How much time they spend on the floor! In order to disinfect them, you can use a spray of your own making. For this:

  1. Take any bottle with a spray.
  2. Fill it with ¾ water.
  3. Add the vinegar, so that the bottle is filled almost to the top.
  4. Add a few drops of any essential oil.

Now generously sprinkle the rug, and then wipe it with a dry rag. Repeat on the other side.