Marble skin in infants

The skin of a healthy newborn baby is very soft and resilient. So, if you assemble the crease, the skin almost immediately takes on its former form. Tenderness of the skin is easily explained by the fact that when the baby is in the maternal tummy, its skin covers were covered with a layer of thick, special lubricant that protected the skin throughout the pregnancy from the influence of the amniotic fluid.

As for the color of the skin, then normally they can have shades from bright pink to pale red. But, the marbled skin of the baby, in some cases, indicates the presence of pathology.

The reasons for the presence of a marble pattern on the skin

The main and most innocuous reason for the child's skin to become marbled is hypothermia. This phenomenon is observed mainly when changing a child, when there is a sharp temperature drop, and the body, due to imperfections in the thermoregulatory system, reacts with the appearance of a marble pattern on the skin. However, there are other reasons why the baby's breast becomes marbled.

The main one is the excessive load of blood vessels. So, due to the lack of subcutaneous fat, a characteristic network of blood vessels is visible through the thin skin of the baby, which provides the marbled skin color of the baby. This fact can not be attributed to the pathological phenomenon, t. over time, the vessels adapt to the load, and the pattern disappears on its own.

Some pediatricians explain the presence of marbled skin in a month-old baby as follows. As a result of prolonged breastfeeding, with good lactation, the baby is well attached to the chest, which is also an increase in the load on the blood vessels due to a large influx of blood. As a result, a marble pattern appears on the skin.

The following reason, explaining why a child can have marbled skin, is vegetative dysfunction. Its occurrence is observed in those cases when the birth process lasts for a rather long time, as a result of which the cervical spine and the baby's head are subjected to a heavy load. The result of such births, can become autonomic dysfunction of blood vessels, which is accompanied by a manifestation on the skin of the marble pattern.

Often the marbling of the skin is the result of the presence of anemia or hypoxia in pregnancy. Such problems can negatively affect the health of the baby.

Also, one should not forget that in some cases this pattern on the skin can be an individual feature. Most often observed in those children who live in a cold climate. In such cases, one can speak of pathology only when a change in the color of the skin is accompanied by the addition of other symptoms and signs, which may be irritability, tearfulness, etc. If they are available, it is necessary to consult a neurologist, who will tell mom what to do.

A child has a marbled skin, what should I do?

In most cases, the presence of such a pattern on the skin does not require any intervention from the doctors. In 94 children out of 100 marbling disappears by the third month of life. It is by this time that the vessels come back to normal. However, if by this time the marbled skin of the child is still preserved, then the mother should consult with the doctor about this. It is possible that its presence is a symptom of any pathology requiring medical intervention.