The baby cries - what does he want?

When a child appears in the house, all members of the family try to surround him with care, love and attention. But sometimes it happens that the child suddenly begins to cry and sometimes parents can not understand the reason for such crying. It would seem that the baby is well-groomed, fed, dressed, communicated with, and parents are simply in confusion, how to help calm the child.

A newborn child constantly cries: how to understand what he wants?

Often parents wonder why the child is constantly crying for no apparent reason. However, this is only at first glance, there are no such obvious signs, indicative of the discomfort of the child. A baby child will never cry for no reason. He always has a reason for this. It's just that sometimes parents do not immediately recognize the signals coming from the child.

Since a newborn child can not speak, he can not tell his parents about his desires, feelings and feelings other than to start crying. Crying for him is a way of communication, an opportunity to show that something he is experiencing is not so. And the reasons for such crying may be different:

What should I do if the child constantly cries for a long time?

Over time, parents begin to discern the power of voice, timbre, the situation in which the baby cries. And they already more clearly understand what exactly the child wants right now. Such discrimination in the child's crying from the parents occurs only with the time when they have gained experience and know how and when their baby cries. In this case, it is easier for them to immediately help meet the needs of the child.

Sometimes it seems to parents that the baby is crying for no reason. Perhaps this is due to the presence of the baby's easily excitable nervous system. If a child is quickly excited and reacts violently to the environment, then it is necessary to spend as much time as possible in the open air, not to include loud music or a TV in his presence, not to talk on high tones, to reduce the number of very loud toys that can enhance the overexcitement of the baby . That is, the main task of parents is to remove irritating factors.

Regardless of the reason for crying baby, there are a number of rules of behavior that are important to observe:

If the child can not calm down for a long time and all the measures taken do not help, you can contact a psychologist who will help to establish contact with the child and give confidence to the parents in their abilities. Or, in case of suspected physical ailments, call a doctor.

Often parents can hear that they do not want instantly to react to the crying of a child, afraid of spoiling it, if they respond to his whim immediately. However, this is fundamentally wrong. It is important for a small child that his parents accept and understand and immediately react to the discontent of the baby, as this contributes to the formation of a trusting relationship with parents and provides the child with a feeling of comfort and safety that parents are always ready to help. If they do not respond, then such a child eventually ceases to cry: why call, if adults still do not react. In this case, the child has a distrust of the world and others.