The appearance of moles on the body

Moles appear on the body of each person. Newborn babies have perfect skin, but sooner or later any mom starts to notice birthmarks on the baby's skin. They may appear after the first year of life, but most often the active appearance of moles occurs during puberty.

Why do birthmarks appear on the body?

Strangely enough, but in our century, scientists still can not name the exact cause of moles on the body. One of the factors called hormonal reconstruction - this explains the appearance of birthmarks on the skin in adolescents and pregnant women. In this case, not only new birthmarks arise, but old ones can also change in size and color.

Moles are pigmented skin areas, which consist of sections of melanocyte cells. Melanocytes are cells that produce the melanin skin pigment. This is the pigment on which depends the color of our skin and the degree of sunburn when in the sun. Moles can be different in size, color and thickness.

Types of moles on the body

If you have birth marks on your body, pay attention to their characteristics. Moles can be:

  1. Intradermal or towering above the skin. Such birthmarks can have a smooth or warty surface, can be covered with hair, and their color varies from light brown to black.
  2. Border nevus. These are flat spots, uniform color. By color, they are from dark brown to black. In such birthmarks melanocytes accumulate on the border of the dermis and epidermis.
  3. Epidermal-dermal nevus. It is a variety of moles, ranging in color from light brown to black. Such spots can slightly rise above the level of the skin.

What are the new birthmarks on the body?

By the nature of accumulation of melanocytes are equated to benign tumors. They do not carry any danger and discomfort, except cosmetic defect until the moment until they change. Changes in the form of moles can speak of the development of a malignant and deadly melanoma tumor. If there are many birthmarks on the body it is worth paying attention to the following symptoms:

When one or more of the listed symptoms appear, the birthmark should be immediately shown to the dermatologist.