Cots-transformers for newborns

The choice of furniture for newborns is a responsible process. Every detail here is important - and functionality (because you do not want to clutter up children's useless things), and safety, and environmental friendliness, and beauty. Manufacturers of furniture regularly supplement their range with a variety of new models with enhanced functionality, and it is not easy to understand this diversity. In this article, we'll talk about the cots of sliding (transformers) and analyze their features and differences from ordinary cribs.

Features of crib-transformers

Despite the fact that such models appeared on sale relatively recently, they already have a lot of fans. Moreover, more and more parents are trying to buy their child just such a bed.

The secret of the popularity of these models is in their variety, functionality and convenience. On the market are models from a variety of materials, it remains only to choose which cot-transformer will suit you most - metal, wood, chipboard or plastic.

The main difference between the design of the transformers and ordinary cots is the presence of a small bedside table or chest. Over time, this bedside table is removed, due to which the length of the bed increases. This means that parents receive a double benefit: firstly, the things of the newborn are stored in close proximity to the crib, which is very convenient, and secondly, over time, the crib is able to "grow" with the baby, that is, parents do not have to change so often furniture in the nursery, choosing a bed for the growth of a child. In the assembled form the cot-transformer can be equal in size to the usual "adult" (teenage) bed or be slightly smaller. The standard size range of length is 120-180 cm, and the width is 60-80 cm.

Cot-transformers with a chest of drawers are very often equipped with a changing table . Agree, the transformer bed with a changing table is not only a cost saving (you will need to buy one thing instead of several), but also rational use of the space of the children's bedroom.

Especially popular among customers are cribs-transformers with a pendulum (longitudinal / transverse) or cradle, allowing easy rocking crumbs, as well as stationary models.

How to assemble a crib-transformer?

Assembly of the crib-transformer with a pendulum is better to order from specialists, because the correct installation of the cradle along the axis of the pendulum will depend on the reliability of fastening and noiseless movement. However, if you are confident in your abilities, you can try to do it yourself, based on the manufacturer's instructions. Those who preferred the baby bed-transformer with a pendulum are the usual models, our assembly tips will be useful.

First, the frame is assembled (lower sides and back). Then the bottom rails are alternately fixed. After that, the wooden strips (the middle bottom of the bed) are laid on the slats and fixed. After the frame is ready, we collect a nightstand / chest of drawers (depending on the model chosen). The assembled bedside table is installed with the edge of the bed sheet and fixed with screws.

Then, the side beams-restraints (side grilles), the orthopedic frame (the upper bottom) on the bottom and the head of the crib are installed. After this, the changing table is assembled and fixed to the top of the already assembled bedside table.

If in the chosen bed you have movable parts of the sides (the rims are adjusted in height), after assembling the swaddling table, it is up to them. When the upper part of the crib is ready, proceed to assemble the lower part. The bottom part in most models is something like an open top and closed on each side rectangular box on the wheels - this is an additional lower bedside table for children's bedding or things.

At the end of the assembly in the bedside table (chest of drawers) are installed shelves.