What to feed a one-year-old child?

By the time the baby is first in his diet, a large number of different dishes and foods must be included in his diet, which provide the need for crumbs in vitamins and beneficial microelements. At the same time, eating the same way as an adult, a twelve-month-old baby can not yet, so the organization of his nutrition should be approached with a great deal of responsibility. Often, caring parents raise the question of what to feed a one-year-old child, and what should be included in his menu to meet the needs of a growing body.

What should be included in the diet of a one-year-old child?

The basis of nutrition of the baby at the age of about a year should be porridge - rice, corn, buckwheat, oatmeal and so on. Meanwhile, in its diet must also include meat dishes, for example, souffle, meatballs or cutlet steamed, chicken or quail eggs, liver and sour-milk products.

Part of the daily menu of crumbs should take up fruits and vegetables - fresh or steamed. In summer, the share of these products can be increased, however, do not take too much into bananas, grapes and various berries - this can harm the baby's digestive tract or provoke an allergic reaction. Exotic fruits, such as kiwi, papaya or passion fruit, at this age generally better not to offer.

All the food offered to the baby per year should have a puree-like consistency. Nevertheless, if the crumb has enough teeth, it should gradually include small lumps and pieces, so that the child begins to appear chewing skills. With proper nutrition, one and a half year old children should already have this ability to a sufficient degree.

As a rule, boys and girls who have recently turned a year old, eat 4 times a day. However, there are babies who need to be fed 5 or even 6 times a day. In any case, the total amount consumed dovadovikom food should be about 1200 ml. With four meals a day, this should account for about 35% of the daily ration, breakfast and dinner - for 25%, and for snacks - only about 15%.

What can you feed a one-year-old baby - menu options

Very often young parents have a question, what to feed a one-year-old child for breakfast or dinner, and also for the night. In order not to rack your brains, it is enough to use one of the following options for the daily menu:

We hope that the proposed options will help you decide how best to feed a one-year-old child, so that he grows strong and healthy and develops fully both from the physical and the intellectual side.