Weak immunity

Good immunity is a guarantee of immunity of the human body to infections of various nature. Also, a good immune system supports the normal functioning of body systems. Unfortunately, most people have very weak immunity.

Causes of weak immunity

The main reason for the weakening of immunity is unhealthy and irregular nutrition. The body must receive various vitamins and minerals. Their shortage in just a few weeks can lead to a significant decrease in the protective properties of the body.

Among other reasons for weak immunity:

Symptoms of weak immunity

If the immune system is in decline, it is not difficult to notice. Weak immunity manifests itself in several symptoms. First of all, this is a chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes. Mucous membranes first encounter different microbes. That is why, when the immunity decreases, they become irritated or reddened. Common signs of weak immunity are various herpetic eruptions. Also about the presence of such a problem is evidenced by:

Treatment of weak immunity

Do you have weak immunity and you do not know what to do? Do not despair! It is not difficult to raise it at all. The main thing is to normalize your diet. If you do not have the opportunity to eat regularly and fully, you should to take complexes of vitamins and minerals. To restore immunity it is possible and with the help of special preparations - immunostimulants. The most effective of them are: