Mask of cottage cheese for the face

Nothing so good will not affect the skin of the face, like natural products, including cottage cheese. It is known that curd masks make the skin of the face softer and moisturize it. The ability to make such a mask at home and in a short time made the curd mask very popular.

It is suitable for almost everyone, regardless of the type of skin. For example, for dry skin, you should use cottage cheese fatter, and for greasy, respectively, with the lowest percentage of fat.

What is the secret of the curd mask?

The whole essence of the mask of cottage cheese lies in the chemical composition of the product itself. The mask of cottage cheese contains many useful vitamins and microelements, among which:

How to use?

A facial mask with cottage cheese can help you improve your skin if you follow the following rules:

  1. Curd mask for dry skin should have high fat content, and for oily skin - minimal.
  2. To check if there is an allergic reaction to cottage cheese, try it first on the skin of the hand.
  3. Apply masks of cottage cheese should not be more than once a week for 1.5 months.
  4. It is important to use home cottage cheese instead of factory cottage cheese in masks.

With what combination of cottage cheese in the preparation of face masks?

When preparing a facial mask from cottage cheese, you need to consider its type.

So, for dry skin:

  1. We knead a banana.
  2. 1 tbsp. l. Cottage cheese is mixed with the same amount of banana gruel.
  3. Add 2 tbsp. l. milk.
  4. Stirring.
  5. We put on the face.

Keep this mask for about 25 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

To prepare a mask for oily skin:

  1. You need to take a single egg protein.
  2. Mix it with a small amount of fat-free cottage cheese.
  3. Add to the mixture a couple drops of hydrogen peroxide 3 percent.

This mask should be kept for 10 minutes and rinsed well.

To soften the skin of the face, a mask with cottage cheese and honey will do. Mix the honey and cottage cheese in equal amounts, add the lemon juice and mix again. After 10 minutes, wash it off your face.

When preparing a face mask, always consider your skin types , then such a mask of cottage cheese will relieve acne after several applications, help to rejuvenate the skin and give it a healthy color.