How to treat chickenpox in adults?

Chickenpox , popularly known as chickenpox, is a viral disease of an acute nature that is most often affected by childhood and only once in a lifetime. In adults, the disease is much more difficult and often accompanied by high fever and intoxication. The causative agent of chickenpox is the varicella-zoster virus, the closest relative of herpes. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets in contact with an infected person.

Symptoms of chickenpox

Since the infection of varicella-zoster before the first symptoms appear, several weeks pass - for adults the incubation period, as a rule, is 11-21 days.

Then the patient begins to complain about:

The rash is a characteristic sign of chicken pox and manifests as red spots 2 to 4 mm in diameter, which quickly turn into papules that cause severe itching. Inside the sores, there is liquid, and in no case can they be opened, since the risk of introducing a secondary bacterial infection is great.

Treatment of chicken pox at home

Adults infected with varicella zoster almost always require specialized treatment, therefore, at the first sign of a characteristic rash, you should immediately call a doctor at your home.

Great discomfort causes itching, which prevents the patient from even sleeping. Effective treatment of chickenpox provides the use of drying preparations: zelenki, aqueous solution of potassium permanganate (2%). They carefully grease old and fresh papules twice a day. Also eliminates the itching ointment of fenistil, related to antihistamines.

The treatment of chickenpox as a disease of viral origin with ointments and gels, acyclovir, infagel, and viferon has proved to be very useful. The agents are applied to the skin with extreme caution.

To bathe during the treatment of chickenpox is impossible - showing wiping with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

To remove the temperature, you can drink drugs based on paracetamol. Aspirin should not be taken by adults, but for children infected with varicella-zoster, it is deadly because of the threat of developing Ray's syndrome.

Specialized treatment of chickenpox

If the disease is severe, the doctor prescribes acyclovir, which blocks the DNA of the virus, preventing it from multiplying. The drug is drunk exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. In general, any treatment for chickenpox in an adult should be coordinated with a specialist, and the risk of this disease should not be underestimated - with a negligent attitude varicella zoster is fraught with a fatal outcome.

Often the doctor prescribes viferon in the form of rectal suppositories. The drug activates the immune system, which is extremely important in the treatment of chicken pox.

Almost always prescribe antihistamines, designed to reduce the itching: fenistil, kraritin, suprastin, tavegil.

If a bacterial infection has entered the wound, and the rash has become pustular, antibiotics are prescribed. Independently to accept them categorically it is impossible because of risk of depression of immunity.

Treatment of chickenpox folk remedies

As a hypnotic, folk treatment of chickenpox offers the use of herbal tea from:

Spoon with a slide of this collection pour 400 ml of boiling water. Tea insists half an hour, take 100 ml three times a day. Well soothes infusion of motherwort or valerian.

It is useful to drink blueberry juice and berries during a chickenpox.

To improve immunity, the following remedy is suitable: combine the juice of three leaves of aloe with honey (100 g) and Cahors (1 bottle). For 10 days, the medicine is drunk on an empty stomach for 3 tablespoons.

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