Diseases of phalaenopsis orchids

Florists, engaged in the cultivation of phalaenopsis orchids, are aware of their capriciousness and exactingness. However, many agree to everything, only in their house grew such a graceful and delicate flower. Therefore, for successful growing, it is important to be prepared for phalaenopsis-borne diseases and pests, in order to take all necessary measures and save the plant.

Diseases of phalaenopsis orchids

The phalaenopsis orchid, like all plants, differs from infectious and non-infectious diseases. Typically, the cause of non-infectious diseases in phalaenopsis is the incorrect observance of the conditions of its maintenance.

Most often, the errors in the care of the phalaenopsis orchid affect leaf disease. So, for example, if a direct sunlight hits the leaves of the flower, dry yellow-brown spots may appear-burns. When there is a lack of lighting, the leaves of the orchid turn pale in color, and the plant itself is stretched. When there is a shortage of watering and a decrease in the humidity of the air in the room, the leaves wither and fall out. And if your pet suddenly discards the leaves, it is likely that it is located in a draft. But the surplus of moisture, in particular at a reduced temperature in the room, affects the plant fatal - its trunk, leaves, roots are affected by rot, which often leads to death. It is recommended to immediately remove all affected areas, treat the cuts with charcoal or ash, and transplant the plant itself into a new substrate.

Also, phalenopsis root diseases are manifested by withering of leaves and loss of their tone, but appear from lack or excess of moisture. In the first case, the roots of the plant look dry and fragile. There is a chance to save phalaenopsis if you put the entire plant for 3 hours in warm water with a solution of glucose, and then transplanted into a new substrate. If the roots of the orchids suffer from excessive watering, they are covered with rot and wet to the touch. It is necessary to cut the rotted areas of the root and to process the sections with ashes. Two days later phalaenopsis can be planted in a new substrate. The plant should be sprayed, but not watered until new roots appear.

The reason for the fact that phalaenopsis is ill, often become mushrooms and bacteria. In anthracnose, mushroom disease, on the leaves and orchid stalk, brown spots with black dots are noticeable. In this case, it is recommended to cut the affected areas, treat them with ashes, and then the entire plant - copper-containing drug (copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture ).

Fusarium disease, which is characterized by the appearance of a whitish-pink plaque and twisting the edges of the leaves, also applies to the phalaenopsis diseases of the leaves. The disease is treated by treating the flower with fungicides, for example, Fundazol.

With gray rot on the leaves of the phalaenopsis orchid, small brown spots appear, which are then covered with gray fluff. With black rot, the leaves and stem of the plant become black and die. Brown rot is manifested by the appearance of a wrinkled brown section on an orchid leaf, with further damage to the entire plant. In such diseases, treatment with fungicides is indicated.

Pests of phalaenopsis orchids

Phalaenopsis orchid disease causes mealybug - a small insect covered with a white woolly coating. They live on the inside of the leaf, which causes the plant to turn yellow, slow down in growth and discard leaves. In the fight against this pest use the treatment with soap.

If phalaenopsis orchids are a cause of phalaenopsis, spider webs, a silver spider web appears on the leaves, as if pinned by a needle. In the initial stages for treatment, the plant needs to be washed with a soap solution, with multiple lesions - treatment with acaricides.

When the scales appear on the orchid, there are hillocks - their habitat. The Shields feed on the juice of the flower, because of what it withers and slows down in growth. The treatment in this case is the same as in case of defeat by the worm.

Especially dangerous for orchids are slugs that overeat all parts of the plant. They can be caught by bait from a piece of cucumber or carrots. Many growers recommend the use of insecticides such as Mezurol, Metaldehyde.

We hope that if you find phalaenopsis, the tips suggested above will help you cope with them and save your favorite indoor flower.