Gray rot

Gray rot is a disease that affects plants such as strawberries and grapes, tomatoes and strawberries. From her suffer and roses. How to deal with gray rot? There are proven recipes based on folk methods, and there is also "chemistry", here everyone chooses himself. Clearly only one: in order to get rid of the misfortune, you need to work hard.

How to deal with gray rot?

Gray rot is known for a long time, and the cause of its occurrence is always a fungus. The main source is two pathogens of fungal infection - sclerotia and conidia. The location of their dislocation, as a rule, is limited to plant remains and soil, but the disease spreads both on the green part of plants and on fruits. Dying sites are considered the most attractive for rot, which not only quickly fastens to new domains, but also spreads across the plant at a rather impressive rate.

How to deal with gray rot, every gardener decides for himself. There are ready-made recipes with the use of so-called fungicides - drugs that allow not only to quickly destroy the manifestations, but also protect plants in the future. In addition, it is necessary to comply with a number of necessary measures, among which the most necessary are rightly considered:

Disease of cultivated plants

Gray rot of strawberries or strawberries causes special harm, because it spreads very quickly and affects both leaves and berries at the same time. The fight against gray rot begins with early spring, and especially intensifies after the rains that contribute to it reproduction. As a rule, the main methods are timely treatment with drugs before budding, and then you need to monitor the condition of plants. There are opinions that it is necessary to plant garlic or marigolds between beds, but this is an empty deal, in no way do such tricks help.

Gray rot on tomatoes along with phytophthora is considered an enemy of plants. In this case, tomatoes need to be processed at least three times: at the very beginning of growth, before the fruit is tied and during the summer rains, which in each region fall on different time frames. Gray rot on roses does not affect the yield, but beauty in the garden is of great importance.