Why does the cherry blossom, but does not bear fruit?

Is there a garden in which at least one cherry does not grow? This tree is highly resistant to various unfavorable factors. And its fruits not only like to eat raw, many of us brew from it a delicious sweet and sour compote, canned or used in the preparation of baking and delicate desserts. However, despite the unpretentiousness, some site owners are faced with the fact that from year to year their cherry blossoms, but does not bear fruit. Of course, such a fact can not but upset, especially when you are looking forward to even such a small harvest. So, let's consider the main reasons for this phenomenon and tell you how to deal with it.

Why does the cherry blossom, but does not bear fruit?

In general, there are several reasons for the lack of harvest in the cherry, but the so-called self-fertility of the variety is considered the most common. This means that some varieties of fruit trees need fertilization from cherry blossoms of other varieties. In this case, if the buds are pollinated by pollen from a tree of the same variety or with their own pollen, more often the cherry does not bear much fruit - no more than 5-10% of fruits appear.

Cherry does not please the harvest in the presence of flowering and when insects that participate in pollination practically do not fly near your tree in the garden - wasps, bees, bumblebees, butterflies and moths. This situation often occurs in bad weather conditions in the spring or when using insecticides to destroy pests.

If we talk about why cherries blossom well, but do not bear fruit, then it is necessary to indicate such a cause as inaccuracies in nursing. Unfortunately, a fruity fruit tree also needs a little attention. First, like any plant in the garden, a cherry needs fertilizing with fertilizers - organic or mineral. Secondly, without water the tree is difficult to grow well and normally bear fruit.

Quite often the reason for the absence of harvest in a cherry tree is such an unfavorable phenomenon as the freezing of the kidneys. In some regions, spring is quite uneven. And then, after a week of rather warm days, when the buds on the trees blossom, morning frosts occur, which are disastrous for a potential crop.

What is needed to cherry fruit?

If your cherry does not yield a crop, do not get upset - in your hands change the situation. It's just a little effort. Of course, we must not forget about timely feeding and watering. Watering the tree should be at least three times a season: first watered in the middle or late spring, the second time it is necessary shortly before the ripening of berries, and the third - after harvest (for the maturation of the kidneys for the next year). With regard to fertilizing, it is carried out for the third year of growth of the seedling, not earlier. For the first time, fertilizers are introduced after flowering into the near-stump circle, the second time - in the summer before the ripening of berries in liquid form.

If fruiting does not come because of the impossibility of pollination to others varieties, it is recommended for cross-pollination to purchase and plant next to your tree saplings of other varieties of cherries.

In the spring, when the cherry blooms, and pollinating insects are not observed, it is recommended to try to draw them to the tree. This is achieved by spraying on the crown of sweetened water. It is prepared by dissolving in a liter of water 1 tablespoon of honey or sugar. To avoid freezing of the kidneys during frosts in the spring, try to delay the time of their blooming by sketching snow or straw on the tree trunk. Thanks to this, the earth will warm up more slowly, and, accordingly, the buds will dissolve later. With the coming flowering from frosts, the shelter of the crown will help.