Why blush the leaves of geraniums?

Geranium is a rather unpretentious plant. However, she may have problems due to improper care or illnesses that have affected her. Why blush the leaves of geranium and what to do about it - let's talk in this article.

The causes of redness of the leaves of geranium

The first and most common cause is cold air in the room. Insufficient temperature (below + 18 ° C) can lead to freezing of the geranium, as a result of which its leaves turn yellow (yellow) first along the edges, as if with the advent of autumn, and then begin to fall off. With this phenomenon it is rather simple to struggle - do not allow "autumn" colds and your plant will not get rid of the leaves. Although winter peace can come and benefit geraniums.

Another, more serious reason that leaves can blush in geraniums are fungal, viral or bacterial diseases . They are provoked by high humidity, temperature drop, all the same coolness. In such cases, it is recommended to spray the entire plant with a fungicide and water it with the same solution to prevent the spread of fungi from the soil.

Also, the reason that geraniums blush leaves, there may be a lack of nutrients. Scientifically, this is called chlorosis. Many people think that this causes yellowing, and not the reddening of the leaves, but the color depends on what the plant lacks.

For example, the lack of nitrogen and magnesium causes just the red pigmentation of the leaves of geranium. Method of struggle - top dressing with appropriate fertilizers. However, it is important not to overdo it, because frequent fertilizing can lead to the opposite effect - the reddening of the leaves. Therefore, it is important to find a middle ground and adhere to such a rhythm.

Sometimes the leaves of geranium blush due to too intense sunlight. From this, the stem of the plant may also blush. Unfortunately, the burnt leaves probably will not recover. But all the same, the pot with the flower should be quickly removed from the window sill and provided with partial shade, especially in the midday heat.

With the main reasons why the leaves blush in the geranium, we figured it out. But this is by no means the only trouble associated with this plant.

Other health problems of room geraniums

Another fairly common question that tormented amateur flower growers - why geranium does not bloom for a long time? The reasons can be several:

  1. The flower is planted in too large a capacity, which does not promote flowering, because in the beginning its roots should completely fill the pot.
  2. If the geranium does not blossom in the fall, this is not a cause for concern - it's just that the period of rest has come. Cut it, reduce watering and do not feed until spring.
  3. If the bush is quite healthy, but there is still no flowering, it can be the reason for a warm wintering - the plant did not have a period of rest before the turbulent flowering.
  4. And the most unpleasant reasons are unfavorable conditions of detention, such as insufficient lighting, lack of nutrients, low temperature in the room, absence of cuts.

Sometimes the leaves of geraniums do not turn red, but turn yellow and this can say about the following:

  1. For the flower too little space - the pot is narrow. It is the lack of space that often stops the growth of the plant, leading to yellowing and dropping of leaves.
  2. Low temperature. In winter, usually the plant suffers from cold air on the windowsill and from drafts. Simultaneously with waterlogging this leads to yellowing of leaves. If you want to arrange a wintering for him - trim the plant, moderate watering and keep the temperature at + 14 ° С.
  3. Frequent watering. Overmoistening of the soil leads to the formation of rot and yellowing of the crown. To water it is necessary, when the top layer of the earth has slightly dried up, but has not yet taken up the crust. And immediately pour a lot of water is not necessary - it is better to do it more often and in small portions.
  4. Too much nitrogen. Overabundance of fertilizer leads to intense yellowing of the foliage. Geranium does not like frequent feeding, especially in winter.