Rassolnik with chicken

How to boil rassolnik with rice and chicken, we already wrote. With rice it is faster and easier to cook, and not everyone likes a pearl barley, but nevertheless, as grandmother's cookbooks say, a classic soup rassolnik cook with pearl barley. However, absolutely free interpretation of this venerable dish, due to its age, is also possible. For example, rassolnik with beans and smoked chicken is a very unusual combination!

Recipe of pickle with chicken and pearl barley



The napkins are washed, chopped into pieces and cooked from them chicken broth. Do not forget to remove the formed foam in time, otherwise the liquid will turn turbid. Separately boil the pearl barley, it should remain a bit firm. Cucumbers are finely chopped, poured brine and boiled until they become completely soft.

In the finished broth, add the diced potatoes and welded pearl barley. Boil the soup to the boil, and load into the pan finely chopped onions and carrots. When the vegetables are almost ready, add pickled cucumbers and spices. Cook another 5 minutes, try the salt. Cover the rassolnik with a lid and remove the pan from the fire.

Soup rassolnik with chicken in the multivark



Pearl barley washed and half an hour soaked in cold water. Cut the leg into 3 parts. We peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes. Tomatoes scalded with boiling water, remove the skin and crush the blender in puree together with Bulgarian pepper. Cucumbers cut the straws, onions - cubes. Carrot wipe on a large grater.

Since rassolnik we cook without roasting, we load into the cup multivark all at once - cereals, vegetables and chicken. We fill the brine, pour to the maximum level with hot water. Throw the bay leaf. Solim, pepper. Close the lid and cook on the "Quenching" mode for an hour and a half. After the sound signal we give the ready pickle holder to brew for another 10-15 minutes and pour on the plates. Spoonful of homemade sour cream, a little fresh greens - and served to the table.

How to cook rassolnik with smoked chicken?



Pre-soaked beans boil in salted water to the state when it is ready, but has not yet begun to disintegrate. We throw the beans into a colander, let them drain and transfer to a pan, where we will brew rassolnik. Fill with fresh water, and put on Fire. And when it boils, we add cubes of potatoes and pieces of smoked chicken (it is better to remove the skin and not use it).

In the meantime, prepare the roast. In the pan, we first brown the onions, then add to the company a grated carrot and stew for another 5 minutes.

We try to read potatoes. If already soft, throw in the pan finely crumbled pickled cucumbers and roast. Add the bay leaf. Solim, pepper. Fasten the fire to a minimum and let it quietly leave for another 5 minutes. Then sprinkle with chopped herbs, cover with a lid and remove the ready rassolnik from the stove.