Do the teeth fall in the kittens?

As human babies, and kittens, they all have some common problems inherent in babies. Pussies also appear on the light completely toothless and only after a couple of weeks, they cut through the first sharpened incisors. Sometimes it takes as long as twelve weeks until the baby gets a full set of baby teeth. Changing the milk teeth of kittens is a special process, and therefore the owners of pets should know how and when it is about to happen.

Why does the kitten have teeth?

Everyone noticed that the children gradually increased the gap between their teeth . In infancy, the jaw is small and it is constantly growing, but the baby teeth remain the same. The appeared intervals look impractical, and in adult life they would deliver a lot of troubles to the owner of the jaw. But over time (approximately 4 months), the replacement process begins, which corrects all these defects that have been formed. Instead of 26 milk teeth, the kitten has 30 full-grown root canines, incisors, molars and premolars that turn a furry creature into a real small predator.

When is it necessary to pull out baby teeth?

Dentition in kittens in some cases is wrong. It happens that this process is painful. Sometimes the dairy fangs or incisors do not fall out and begin to interfere with the incising root teeth. The overabundance of the "population" in the oral cavity leads to gum injuries, the appearance of an incorrect bite and various diseases. In this case, you should contact veterinarians and even sometimes remove the milk teeth.

Mistresses of fluffy pets should know if the teeth of their kittens are changing at the moment. During this period in the diet of the animal should be products containing calcium and phosphorus, other mineral fertilizing. Buy them special items that the kitten can safely gnaw. It is undesirable at this time to vaccinate, the baby's body is weakened, and it is better to postpone such procedures. Whether the teeth fall out in kittens is a serious question on which the future of your pet depends.