Zirconia crowns

Experts in the field of prosthetics for many decades were in search of the most effective materials that would have the required strength and would be safe for humans. Zirconium crowns are a new material, obtained from zirconium dioxide, which is well established and allows the installation of prostheses of any complexity.

Zirconia crowns for teeth

Comparing with other common materials, zirconium can be called simply universal. With its help, you can achieve the most accurate shade of the design, as close as possible to the color of natural teeth. They well get accustomed and serve for a long time, without causing discomfort.

In addition, it should be noted such advantages of zirconium crowns.

Full biocompatibility of the prosthesis, due to which the material does not get well, without provoking an allergy.

High strength properties, allowing to install the zirconium crown on the implant or on the turned tooth.

Laser technology allows you to make a crown of small thickness with high accuracy, so you do not need to sharpen the tooth, which positively affects its condition in the future.

For a long time, the crown retains its operational and aesthetic properties.

Zirconia crowns on the front teeth

An important condition for prosthetics of the front teeth is the use of only high-quality and durable products.

Prostheses are installed instead of damaged or carious teeth or, in the case of their absence on implants. By its transparency, zirconia is very close to tooth enamel. The doctor selects a shade individually for each client. Due to the high durability and the duration of operation, you should not worry that later the designs will be erased or become translucent.

Zirconium crowns for chewing teeth

The mass of the advantages of zirconium dioxide allowed to use them for the installation of chewing teeth. Due to the tight fitting of the structures to the gum, the probability of its destruction is excluded and food ingestion is prevented. This in turn reduces the risk of caries.

Also worth noting is the lack of the need to remove the nerve, and the antifungal action will prevent the formation of caries on the teeth adjacent to the prosthesis.

Metal-ceramic crown or zirconium?

The main disadvantage of zirconia is its high cost. It is this factor that causes many patients to give preference to cheaper raw materials.

Metal ceramics is similar to the natural shade, but it lacks natural transparency.

Zirconia tooth crowns are hypoallergenic, unlike metal. By its biocompatibility, the material is not inferior even to gold.

Due to the small thickness of zirconium prostheses, no thickening is required, which is not the case with fairly thick cermets.

Gradually, cermet structures turn blue around the edges, which is especially noticeable when a person smiles.

Computer manufacturing and process automation make it possible to avoid any errors and achieve high accuracy. This ensures accurate adherence and prevention of inflammation, which can not be achieved during manual casting of cermets.

The service life of zirconium crowns is 15 years, while they fully retain their original appearance. Ceramic products serve an average of 10 years.

Proceeding from the above, it can be noted that high quality and durability fully cover the cost of prostheses. Therefore, doctors recommend using zirconium.