Drink from a dogrose - the recipe

Among the useful recipes, the first place is occupied by beverage from the dog rose, containing a huge dose of vitamin C - a recognized assistant in the fight against the common cold . Preparing such a drink faster and easier is nowhere, it is convenient to take with you in a thermos and warm yourself with a vitamin cocktail even outside the house.

How to prepare a drink from a dry dog ​​rose?

If you do not have time to harvest the hips from the summer, then they can be bought without any problems already dried in any market at a very affordable price, while for a liter portion of the drink, only a couple of tablespoons of berries are enough.



  1. To extract the maximum benefit, flavor and taste from dried berries, you will first need to grind the dried rosehip. You can do this simply by wrapping the berries with a cloth and tapping it well with a rolling pin.
  2. The crushed dogrose is poured with boiling water, covered and left to stand until the liquid completely cools.
  3. Then the vitamin cocktail is served with honey and lemon to taste.

Drink from fresh dogrose - recipe

Drinks from rose hips at home can be made from fresh berries, as well as those that were frozen and thawed immediately before cooking. The briar brewing scheme in both cases is similar and is indicated in the following recipe.



  1. In enameled dishes pour a handful of fresh berries and fill them with a liter of water.
  2. The dishes are placed over the medium fire, bring the water to a boil and remove the pan, immediately covering it with a lid.
  3. Decoction of rose hips allowed to brew until the water is completely cooled, and then drink just so, or previously supplemented with honey and citrus juice.

How to make a drink from a dogrose and hawthorn - a recipe in a thermos

Cooking a healthy vitamin drink and taking it with you is a great idea for those who want to keep warm at work or school. Even better, if the company dry hips make up not less than useful dried hawthorn berries .



  1. In the evening, crush the dried berries with a rolling pin, preliminarily wrapping them in a napkin.
  2. Pour the berries in a thermos and pour boiling water.
  3. Close the thermos and brew the drink all night, and in the morning strain, if desired, heat, and sweeten with honey and lemon juice.