How to drink the liqueur "Pina Colada"?

Liqueur "Pina Colada" according to the original legend was invented by a bartender in the Caribbean islands, who once came up with the idea of ​​mixing coconut milk and white rum. Further experiments on this gustatory duet led to the addition of pineapple juice and vanilla to it. In such a combination, the liqueur "Pina Colada" gained worldwide popularity and recognition.

The liqueur of Pina Kolada in pure form is not liked by everyone. Many consider his taste too rich and sugary. And although producers and true gourmets vied with each other to drink such a drink, not diluting, most consumers still act differently and use the "Pina Colada" liquor in cocktails or supplementing it with juice, milk or other liquid components.

How to drink at home a liqueur «oasis Pina Colada»?

Currently, on the shelves of our stores you can find emulsion liquor "oasis Pina Colada", attracting its affordable price and comparatively worthy taste. For those who are not a fan of the drink in its pure form, we will tell you how to drink it properly and what you can dilute if you want to?

The easiest way to give a liqueur "Pina Colada" is to supplement it with coffee or tea. And in order to significantly soften or refresh the taste of the drink, you can simply dilute it in a glass of milk or pineapple juice in equal proportions. In addition, a glass with Pina Colada can be put when fed crushed in a little crumb ice, and also decorate it with dessert cherries and fresh pineapple slices or other fruits and berries. A spoonful of cream, added directly to the glass with a drink, will also help greatly improve the taste of the liqueur.

How to drink emulsion liquor "Pina Kolada" at home in the cocktail, you will find out later.

Cocktail from the liqueur "Pina Colada" and frosty



We connect the liqueur and ice cream in the blender, throw a pinch of cocoa powder or instant coffee and punch it all carefully for thirty seconds. We pour the cocktail into the glass, decorate with cherries and enjoy.

Cocktail from the liqueur "Pina Colada" with rum and pineapple juice



Mix all the ingredients in the shaker, into which we first put the crushed ice, whisk all a little and pour into the glass. We decorate the cocktail with a slice of pineapple, cherry and serve.