Krušon made of watermelon with champagne

From this material, you will learn how to make a watermelon champagne with champagne. Such a drink will be especially useful at a party with friends or on a picnic in the heat. Serve it necessarily well chilled, in watermelon or special dishes. Pour the goblets on the glasses immediately before use.

Chishopon made from watermelon with champagne - classic recipe



All the drinks that we need to prepare the krishon need to be cooled on the shelf of the refrigerator. We also cut grapes, if necessary, extracting bones from it, as well as grinding peaches and apples rather small. We fall asleep slices of fruit with sugar, then we fill them with liqueur or cognac, as well as wine and leave it on the shelf of the refrigerator for a while.

In this case, we will cook krushon in a watermelon. To do this, cut off the fruit from the fetus and extract the flesh, while removing it from the bones and cutting into medium-sized slices. Place the container with the pulp and juice that was released during its extraction, in the fridge or for a short time in the freezer, and at this time carefully and accurately we clean the watermelon inside, giving it a beautiful appearance. If there are certain skills, it is possible to effectively trim the top of the fruit with denticles, thus giving the "dishware" originality.

Kryushon in watermelon with champagne can be prepared with other fruits, such as mango or pear, and also supplement it with wine or cognac in whole or in part with lemonade, thereby reducing the degree of the drink.

Krušon made of watermelon with champagne and berries



A classic watermelon hook is served only in a watermelon and in no other way. But, a little away from the classics, you can make a drink in a special rounded vessel - a hook. As in the previous case, all components must be well cooled. This applies to alcoholic beverages, berries and watermelon flesh, which must be removed from the bones and cut into small pieces.

Washed and dried berries (you can take absolutely any of your taste and availability) pour sugar in a bowl and leave it for several hours in the refrigerator. Now we spread the berry mass and watermelon pulp along with the juice in the croissant and fill it with wine, cognac and champagne. We put the vessel on the shelf of the refrigerator for an hour. A few minutes before the filing, we add cherries without pits.