Ear drops Candybiotics - rules for adults and children

To remove the pain in the ears, remove the pus from the mucous membrane, stop the reproduction of bacteria, use complex therapy with drugs of local action. Ear drops Kandibiotic is an effective combined remedy for allergic and inflammatory diseases of the ear (otitis of various etiologies). It is widely used in ENT practice.

Kandibiotic drops - composition

Candibiotics, ear drops, which are a combination of several drugs belonging to a special pharmacological group. Transparent drug solution is dispensed in a dose of 5 mg in small vials. There is a lid-dropper. Each of the components determines the useful properties of Kandibiotic drops, the composition of which is as follows:

Several active substances immediately give a positive effect. The antifungal component has an effect on the synthesis of ergosterol in the cell membrane of fungi, causing destruction of cells. Bacteria and microbes destroy the antibiotic. Beclomethasone has an anti-inflammatory effect, and lidocaine blocks the passage through the membranes of sodium ions.

Candybiotic - indications for use

To each vial of the medicine is attached the instruction, in which it is indicated, with what diseases the drug is able to cope. To eliminate several diseases of the ear, you can use Kandibiotic drops, the indications for use are the following:

Ear drops Kandibiotic - contraindications

In some cases it is not recommended to use Kandibiotic drops, there are contraindications, although there are few of them. These are such states as:

Use the drug with caution followed by people with weakened immunity, diabetes and liver failure, as well as during lactation. In addition, it is important to know that many ear drops, including Candybiotics, are not meant for long-term treatment. Observe the time of taking and dosage is fraught with consequences. Long-term absorption of glucocorticosteroid (GCS) can affect the work of the hypothalamus, the adrenal cortex, the pituitary gland.

How to apply Candibiotics?

The course of taking ear drops lasts an average of a week (7-10 days, depending on the scale of the problem). The drug is used topically: 3-5 drops in the ear canal at least three times a day. In order to get the product to the hearth of inflammation, the head needs to be kept slightly tilted. If both ears have suffered, dig in drops should be alternated, with a small time interval. Drops in the ears Kandibiotik not recommended to use in a cold form, it is advisable to warm them a little (in hands, on the battery) before use. The medicine must be at room temperature.

Improvement of the patient's condition after the use of a medicament preparation is observed already on the third day, if the Candybiotic is used correctly; application and its duration depends on the severity of the pathology. Therapy is prescribed by a doctor and can vary. If the prescribed dose did not have the desired effect, there were unpleasant sensations, itching, pain intensified, you should repeatedly contact the otolaryngologist.

Candybiotic in pregnancy

During the period of gestation, many drugs are perceived negatively by women, they can affect the development of the baby. Therefore, the use of most medicines is prohibited or not recommended. The advisability of using others is determined by the attending physician. These drugs include drops of Candibiotics during pregnancy. If it is proven that the intended benefit to the mother exceeds the risk of fetal pathology, the drug is prescribed for treatment.

Candybiotic for children

The restriction on the use of drops for certain categories of citizens, children, is associated with the presence in it of the SCS, the continued use of which can affect the growth, development of the child. Metabolites will accumulate in the body, creating a threat of increased toxicity. Therefore, a candiobiotic for children under 6 years is prohibited. From a further age the drug is applied: 3-4 times a day for 2 drops in the ear canal. The therapeutic course is less than that of an adult and lasts 5 days.

Candybiotic - side effects

If you do not listen to the recommendations of the doctor, do not follow the dosage, the drug Kandibiotic may adversely affect your health. For example, when interacting with other medications, you should be careful if antifungal therapy is used simultaneously with the drops. Negative effects are rare, but are possible with the use of Kandibiotic drops, side effects of the usually local nature:

Candybiotic analogues

Ear drops Kandibiotic have long established themselves in ENT therapy, as reliable and relatively safe in the fight against diseases of the ear - otitis various forms. The cost of the drug ranges from 220-280 rubles. The product is available, easy to use, but before use it is recommended to consult a specialist and not prescribe the drug yourself.

Unfortunately, Kandibiotics do not have direct analogues in composition and active components. Indirect same can be found on the shelves of pharmacies. This is a drop of Russian and foreign production, coinciding on the impact on the ear pathology with Kandibiotic. These are such drugs as: