Cleansing the liver at home

Signals of the body about the poor performance of the liver can not go unnoticed. Restore the activity of the liver and cleanse it, you can only one way: to provoke a strong outflow of stagnant bile with the subsequent complete purification of the entire body. If to solve this task in the conditions of the hospital, it is necessary to prepare for the course of droppers and the intake of sorbents. But, perhaps, such cardinal methods of liver cleansing will not be needed if you carefully treat your diet and try to clean, and then restore the liver at home.

Purification and restoration of the liver

The process of purification and restoration of the liver can be divided into stages:

  1. A nutrition adjustment or a special diet that reduces the burden on the diseased liver.
  2. Cleansing of the bile ducts.
  3. The process of restoration of the liver.

After effective cleansing of the liver, the result will be, as they say, "on face": the healthy skin color will return, dark circles will disappear under the eyes, the body's resistance to bacterial and viral diseases will increase.

Diet for cleansing the liver

The diet will relieve unnecessary strain on the liver. In some cases, this alone may be enough to allow the liver to regenerate on its own without additional purification.

Products that need to be abandoned for the duration of the cleansing diet:

It is recommended:

The main dishes are vegetables in baked or cooked form. It is also not recommended to eat meat broths.

During the diet, you can take herbal medicine to cleanse the liver. Such a collection can be purchased at any pharmacy. Usually, it contains flowers of calendula, field horsetail, sporach and corn stigmas. All herbs are taken in equal proportions. Therefore, preparing it at home is not difficult at all.

This diet should be set once a year for a week, if you simultaneously take drugs to accelerate metabolic processes in the liver. If such a drug for some reason is not accepted, the diet should be set for a month.

Recipes for liver cleansing

Among the methods of purification of the liver there are several most popular effective means:

  1. Cleansing with olive oil with lemon: on an empty stomach you need to drink 30 g of olive oil with the addition of 30 drops of lemon juice. The procedure should be repeated several days in a row, depending on the degree of slagging of the liver.
  2. An excellent means for cleaning the liver at home - activated ordinary activated carbon. It is taken from this calculation: 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight, taken 10 days. The course can also be extended if you need a more gentle cleansing of the liver. In this case, you need to take 3 tablets of coal before each meal for two weeks.

Treatment and purification of the liver is a long process, requiring strict compliance with all instructions. It is important to know what processes occur in your body and what condition of the liver and gall bladder at the time of the beginning of purification. Therefore, before you begin to cleanse the liver at home, it is worth to go through a full study to identify stasis in the biliary tract, the presence or absence of stones in the gallbladder. Only in this case it will be possible to determine the necessary method of cleaning and not to harm your body.