Chest bruise - treatment at home

In car accidents, severe impacts and falls, ribs and the chest are often damaged. This trauma is considered one of the most dangerous, as it can cause damage to nearby internal organs (heart, lungs, esophagus). Therefore, only a doctor should make appointments with a diagnosis such as a bruised chest, - treatment at home is possible only after a thorough examination, performing radiography and the established absence of complications.

Primary treatment of chest bruises at home

If the specialist has not identified the dangerous consequences of the resulting injury, self-management is as follows:

  1. For the first 2-3 days, regularly apply ice or cold compresses to the site of injury.
  2. Use pain medications.
  3. Ensure the peace of the damaged area. You can wear a special corset.
  4. After relieving the exacerbation apply dry heat - a lamp of sunflower, warming compresses.

It is important to note that the treatment of a severe chest injury with complications at home is unacceptable. Such injuries are subject to therapy only in a hospital under the supervision of specialists, especially with internal injuries, cardiac and respiratory disorders.

Treatment of chest contusion with tablets and ointments

The main goal of therapeutic measures in the described pathology is the removal of the pain syndrome and the acceleration of the restoration of soft tissues.

For analgesia, any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in tablets are used, for example:

Local anesthesia is carried out by applying the appropriate ointments, gels or creams:

To accelerate the resorption of hematomas can be through means with heparin - Lyoton, heparin ointment.

Folk treatment of soft tissue injury in the chest

Alternative medicine has several effective recipes that are recommended as additional therapeutic measures.

Compress with body-water


Preparation and use

Dilute the algae in water. It turns out quite a thick, creamy mass. The resulting gruel should be applied to the injury site, covered with a bandage or bandage. After 5-15 minutes, depending on the intensity burning on the skin, remove the composition. Do not rinse with water.

Also, various tinctures on vodka help well.

Lotion from bruises


Preparation and use

Rinse the plant raw material, pour it with vodka, placing it in a glass container. Insist for 48 hours. Use the medicine for 2 weeks for warming compresses.