How to pump up the buttocks?

To the body was tight, you need to exercise regularly. One of the most common problem areas in women is the buttocks . There are effective exercises that will correct this problem and make the body proportional and beautiful. Many women are interested in how much time you can pump up the buttocks, so experts say that if you train at least 15 minutes a day. in a day, then in a couple of months the "fifth point" will become elastic.

How to properly pump the buttocks?

There are some rules that must be taken into account in order to achieve the goal. Firstly, do not engage in wear, because, thus, you will lose interest in training. Start with 6-8 repetitions and gradually increase the load. Secondly, it is important to monitor the body and the technique of execution. Thirdly, another important component is breathing, which should be free without delay.

Finding out how quickly to pump up the buttocks, you need to understand the diet, because it is important to achieve the goal. There are several basic rules:

  1. The menu should be food high in protein and amino acids.
  2. It is necessary to include daily in the diet fresh fruits and vegetables, in which there is fiber , enzymes and vitamins.
  3. It is necessary to make a diet on the principle of the pyramid, that is, the most calories worth eating for breakfast, and least for dinner. Do not eat before bedtime, the optimal time for the last meal - two hours before bedtime.
  4. Eat a little, that is at least five times a day. Portions should be small. Thanks to this, there will be no feeling of hunger.
  5. The menu should contain foods that contain complex carbohydrates.

How to pump up the buttocks - effective exercises

In order for the body to prepare for the stresses, and the training was effective, it is necessary to begin classes with a warm-up. It is recommended to perform the following exercises for a minute each: running and walking on the spot, jumping to the sides and climbing the hill with a change of legs. Do some stretching exercises.

  1. Exercise "Lunch" . To pump up the buttocks with this exercise, you must take the starting position: the right leg is pulled to the side, and the left slightly bend at the knee. In this case, the shoulders should be pulled back. The task is to perform jumps, moving from side to side, changing the supporting leg. During jumping, make inclines and touch the floor with your hands. It's important not to tear your heels off the floor. Make 30 jumps.
  2. Exercise "Boat" . If you are interested in how to pump up your buttocks in a week, you should pay attention to this exercise, since not only the gluteal muscles but also the thighs receive the load. Sit on your stomach, keeping your legs slightly bent at the knees, and the heels together. Raise your legs upward, not lifting your stomach off the floor. Try to raise your legs as high as possible.
  3. Exercise "Star" . Take the initial position: lie on your stomach and stretch your arms forward, and keep your legs straight. At the same time, spread your arms and legs to the side. It is important to monitor breathing.
  4. Exercise "Backwards" . Again, lying on the floor on your stomach, you need to put your hands under your head, and your legs are bent at the knees. Bend and unbend one leg at a time, pulling the heels to the buttocks. A great exercise for pumping the buttocks and thighs.
  5. Exercise "Crab" . Sit on the floor, bend your knees, and put your hands back and rest on them. Raise the buttocks up so that the body forms a straight line. The task is to straighten one leg, and then, raise it upward, take it to the side and hold it for 10-15 seconds. After that, go back to the starting position and repeat the same with the other leg.