Blood in early pregnancy

The appearance of even a small amount of blood during pregnancy at an early age should definitely alert the woman. Most often this is due to the development of internal bleeding, which requires immediate intervention by physicians.

However, it must be said that not always the appearance of blood from the genital tract is a sign of bleeding. Let's take a closer look at the possible causes of the appearance of blood in the early stages with a seemingly normal pregnancy.

Mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the genital tract

This reason is innocuous and does not require any medical intervention. In this case, a drop of blood during pregnancy in the early stages appears due to examination of the pregnant woman in the gynecological chair, for example. The thing is that the uterine pharynx is actively supplied with blood during the child's bearing. A similar situation can be observed in violent sexual contacts. As a rule, this phenomenon is not accompanied by painfulness, is poorly expressed, and lasts for 4-5 hours.

Appearance of blood during the prescribed menstruation

According to observations of gynecologists, approximately every 50 pregnant women notice the appearance of small, spotting spotting during pregnancy at a time when they need to have a period. According to the doctors' suggestions, the reason for this is the fact that at a small time, at the very beginning of pregnancy the body does not have time to completely rest, so that the discharges are observed.

Such phenomena are observed for a short time - for 1-2 days, almost painless. Some women only note the appearance of some kind of discomfort, which in its expression is very similar to what they experienced during the months before.

Hormonal failure as the cause of the appearance of blood in the beginning of pregnancy

If a woman has blood at an early pregnancy, the cause of her appearance may be due to a violation of the hormonal background. So, due to the influence of various factors, at the beginning of the gestation period in some women, a deficiency of progesterone may be observed. This condition leads to detachment of the mucous membrane of the uterus, similar to how it occurs monthly during menstruation. In this case, the process of implantation of the fetal egg can proceed with disturbances. If a similar phenomenon occurs at a time when the placenta is already formed, the placenta development may be slowed.

Scarlet blood in early pregnancy is a sign of spontaneous abortion?

Unfortunately, it often happens that a short period of time leads to abortion. If a similar situation develops later, literally 1-3 weeks after conception, a girl may not know anything about being pregnant, and seeing the appearance of blood as menstruation.

If the appearance of blood indicates the development of miscarriage, then often this process is accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen of a different nature - from pulling aching, to acute paroxysmal. At the same time, blood is not isolated at the same time, but is observed for 3-5 days.

What can indicate the appearance of dark blood during pregnancy in its early stages?

When a blood clot of dark color appears in a normally occurring pregnancy, in particular in its early stages, doctors in the first place exclude such a violation as detachment of the placenta. To diagnose it it is possible only by means of carrying out of US. When confirming the assumptions, the pregnant woman is prescribed appropriate treatment, which is most often performed in a hospital.