Pregnancy after a miscarriage

Unfavorable environmental conditions and unsatisfactory state of health of a woman bearing a child can cause a miscarriage . Interruption of pregnancy in the early stages in many cases occurs due to the development of genetic defects in the embryo, which are incompatible with life. Also miscarriage can occur due to the maternal factor: viral diseases, infectious diseases, inflammations and others.

During pregnancy planning after a miscarriage, a woman undergoes a thorough examination. During the survey, determine the cause of the abortion and take measures to eliminate it.

Prepare for pregnancy after a miscarriage

If during the examination a woman has been diagnosed with diseases that affect the reproductive function of the body, she will receive appropriate treatment.

The preparatory period provides for the examination and, if necessary, the treatment of the future father. Since the quality of spermatozoa can affect certain diseases of male genital organs. Weak, inadequately active spermatozoa or at all are not able to fertilize an egg, or form a nonviable embryo that will be aborted.

In cases where pathologies have not been found, future parents should focus on their lifestyle.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to exclude factors that cause nervousness from the environment. Your mood affects the hormonal background of the body, changes in which can block fertilization.
  2. It is necessary to abandon bad habits. Alcohol and nicotine negatively affect the quality of sperm, and the fetus can be formed with defects under the influence of these factors.
  3. It is necessary to minimize the number of medications taken. Consult a doctor, perhaps some medications can be replaced with dietary supplements or even refuse them. And if after a miscarriage you undergo a course of treatment, before planning to stand some time.
  4. Proper nutrition plays an important role. Persons with a lean physique need to consume more protein and correct fat. Protein-fat metabolism affects the production of sex hormones. Women and men with excess weight need to add more vegetables and fruits to their diet. In addition, sixty percent of them must be fed into the body in raw form. Vegetables and fruits should occupy more than half of the daily diet.
  5. Prepare the body for pregnancy will help vitamin E and folic acid . They will also help the fetus to develop properly in the first weeks of pregnancy, when there is the greatest risk of miscarriage.

The second pregnancy after a miscarriage

According to experts, to plan pregnancy after a spontaneous miscarriage should begin no earlier than three months later. In some cases, doctors recommend waiting six months to a year. If there was a pregnancy immediately after the miscarriage, then there is a high probability that it can be ectopic or also be interrupted spontaneously. After all, the main question is not whether pregnancy is possible after a miscarriage, but in safely enduring the child.

The period after which you can start planning a pregnancy after a miscarriage, does not depend on whether it was a late miscarriage or an early miscarriage. Pregnancy in a month after a miscarriage, most likely, will end again with an interruption. Miscarriage is a strong emotional and physiological stress, after which the body needs to get stronger.

Pregnancy after two miscarriages should be under close supervision of the doctor. The third pregnancy should occur only after all possible factors that could interfere with well-being are eliminated.