Edema during pregnancy - treatment

According to statistics, about half of pregnant women develop swelling during pregnancy, whose treatment primarily depends on the cause of their appearance and the period of pregnancy.

Causes of edema

The main reason for the appearance of excessive swelling, especially on the limbs, is an increase in pressure in the bloodstream. Every day the uterus grows in size and exerts increasing pressure on the pelvic organs. This problem is only exacerbated by the fact that often because of the violation of metabolic processes, fluid in the body is delayed.

Usually it is more noticeable in the evening, after the pregnant woman has spent the whole day on her feet.

Treatment of edema in pregnant women

It should be noted that the treatment of edema on the legs during pregnancy is a fairly long process, so the result will not be noticeable immediately.

The main question asked by women who face edema during pregnancy is: "How can I remove them or at least reduce them?"

All the existing tools for today to combat swelling during pregnancy can be conditionally divided into:

The first of them are the most popular. sometimes many similar recipes were passed down from generation to generation. An example of folk remedies for swelling during pregnancy can serve as a cranberry, as well as a dog rose. These berries have a diuretic property, so broths from them will only contribute to the removal of excess water from the body of a pregnant woman. However, you should exercise caution, and do not take this broth frequently.

Drugs with a diuretic effect are many. However, the majority of contraindications to use is lactation and pregnancy.

The only exception is the drug Hofitol , which is 100% herbal and has proven itself in the fight against swelling in pregnancy. Like any drug, this drug is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, which indicates the dosage and the frequency of its administration. Veroshpiron to apply from edema during pregnancy is impossible.

In addition to pills, pregnant women to get rid of edema, resort to the help of ointments, gels. An example of such a tool can serve as Lyoton . It is applied to dry clean skin, in a small amount immediately before going to bed. Has a cooling effect, which also removes fatigue in the legs.

Diet for edema

In addition to the above funds, all pregnant women must adhere to a special diet that eliminates the appearance of edema.

So from a diet the soluble food, and also fried dishes and smoked products is completely excluded. A woman must constantly monitor the volume of liquid drunk. Normally a day, it should not exceed 2-2.5 liters. If there is a tendency to develop puffiness, the volume is reduced to 1-1.5 liters per day.

In order to determine the presence or absence of edema, you can make a simple test. On the lower limb, you need to press your finger into the tibia. If the formed fossa does not disappear within 3-5 seconds, there is evidence of edema. Therefore, before treating swelling during pregnancy, you need to make sure that they appeared as a result of water retention in the body, and not just because of overwork.

Puffiness prevention

Prophylaxis plays a major role in the treatment of edema during pregnancy. So, in order to reduce swelling on your legs, after a hard day you should lie down for a few minutes with raised legs, placing a pillow under them, for example.

Also do not forget about the use of special creams and gels, which tonic blood vessels, prevent the development of edema.