Can a pregnant woman go to church?

Any religious ritual is surrounded by a mass of prejudices. It is not surprising that the theme of whether a pregnant woman can go to church, whether to marry a pregnant woman, causes a variety of opinions. In order to understand this issue, it is worth paying attention directly to what the Christian church thinks about this.

Pregnant in the church

The opinion that pregnant women can not go to church is extremely mistaken and exaggerated. So, the various stereotypes and prejudices that have passed to us from the older generation, in particular from our grandmothers, have quite definite roots. For example, it was believed that pregnant women in the church could simply "jinx", because in church and holidays there are many people.

The second reason was the elementary care for the health of the pregnant woman, because in the period of expectation of the baby a woman often suffers from toxicosis, and the big stomach gives a certain discomfort. And, for example, thinking about whether pregnant women go to church, many draw an analogy with the days of menstruation, during which visiting a church seat is undesirable.

Pregnancy and Church

The wedding is a sacrament, which is especially important for every believer. The Church regards the wedding as the blessing of God, which is given to the creation of a family and the continuation of the family. Another thing - the wedding of a pregnant woman, because, it would seem, a woman, already in a position without the consent of the Lord for marriage, is already a sinner, and accordingly this union must be considered a fornication. In fact, according to Orthodox Christians, everyone can turn to faith at any moment. Accordingly, it is not only possible to marry a pregnant woman, but it is also necessary, of course, if the desire to go to church is dictated not by the influence of fashion, but comes from the heart.

The most optimal if the newlyweds immediately after the official ceremony in the state registration agencies go to church. But if for some reason the wedding had to be postponed, the church does not prohibit the procedure at a later time. Before the wedding ceremony, the couple must confess and take communion. According to the church, if one of the newlyweds does not want to marry, insist or force him not. In this case, the believing member of the young family can only pray for their half and wait for the partner to come to such an important decision on his own.

Features of the ceremony

The wedding in the church of the pregnant woman is accompanied by some nuances that must be taken into account so that nothing could overshadow such an important ceremony for you. The fact is that the procedure of the wedding lasts for about 40-60 minutes, that you will agree quite hard for a pregnant woman at a later date.

Wedding during pregnancy must be thought through to the smallest detail. For example, it is better to give preference to loose clothes and shoes without a heel. Please note that clothing should not squeeze the stomach and chest area. This way you will feel comfortable throughout the ceremony.

All the details of the wedding ceremony must be discussed with the priest in advance. In no event should one conceal his position from the Holy Father. Remember that the church considers pregnancy as the grace of the Lord.

In fact, thinking about whether it is possible for pregnant women to attend church, first of all you should know that pregnancy is a blessing. Accordingly, pregnant women in the church can not only walk, but also need to. But after giving birth within 40 days of visiting the church is better to refuse. It is during this time that the spotting ends, and the woman goes through the rehabilitation period.