How does the amniotic fluid look?

Amblerous water or amniotic fluid is the first medium of the future child's dwelling. They are formed as a result of sweating of the liquid part of the blood of blood vessels. Normally, the volume of amniotic fluid should be between 600 and 1500 ml, and changes in the greater or lesser side are considered pathologies that require special examinations and treatment. We will consider how the amniotic fluid looks normal and pathological, and we characterize their basic functions.

Functions, color and odor of amniotic fluid are normal

The main function of amniotic fluid is protective. So the amniotic fluid protects the baby from the negative influences of the surrounding world (poorly conducts noises and damages impacts). The maintenance in amniotic waters of immunoglobulins protects the organism of the kid from penetration of an infection. It is very important that this liquid prevents umbilical cord clamping and prevents the violation of blood flow in it. A sufficient amount of amniotic fluid provides the baby with complete freedom for movement. Until the 14th week of pregnancy, while the umbilical cord and the placenta are not yet formed, the amniotic fluid plays a nutritional role, giving the baby the necessary nutrients for growth and development.

What color is amniotic fluid?

Normally, the amniotic fluid is clear, it contains amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements (calcium, chlorine, sodium). Also in it you can find lanugo (baby skin skin) and skin cells. The amniotic fluid is odorless, but some physicians believe that the odor of amniotic fluid is similar to that of mother's milk, which helps the baby to find the mother's breast after birth.

What color is the amniotic fluid colored in pathology?

By changing the amount, color and smell of amniotic fluid, one can judge the presence of one or another pathology. So, the amniotic fluid of pink color can talk about detachment of the placenta and staining the blood with blood. This is a formidable complication of pregnancy, which requires immediate provision of qualified care. Amblerous water yellow or green color may indicate intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus or the presence of infection ( late gestosis in pregnancy , intrauterine pneumonia). Brown or black amniotic fluid indicates a critical condition of the child. In such cases, urgent operative delivery is necessary.

We examined how the amniotic fluid looks normal and in pathological conditions. To prevent the development of pathological conditions, it is necessary to perform the appointments of your doctor and undergo all the recommended studies.