Pulsates the abdomen during pregnancy

Many future mothers complain to doctors that they have a seemingly normal pregnancy, the belly pulsates. Let's take a closer look at this situation and tell you why the stomach pulsates during pregnancy and when this fact can be regarded as a norm, and when - as a violation.

Because of what pulses the lower abdomen during pregnancy?

The most common cause for this phenomenon is the hiccup of the fetus. This occurs as a result of swallowing the baby with amniotic fluid. This phenomenon is accompanied by rhythmic twitching of the abdomen of the future mother. This can happen already from 28 weeks, when the baby begins to carry out active swallowing movements. Thus, during the ingestion process, the muscles of the digestive system and the gastrointestinal tract are strengthened in particular.

However, the most dangerous reason that pulses the abdomen during pregnancy in later terms is the squeezing or infringement of the vena cava. Anatomically, it passes right along the spine. Depending on the position of the mother's body, the vessel is squeezed. It is noteworthy that after a change in body position, ripple disappears. This phenomenon can be observed starting from about the 25th week of pregnancy.

The third probable cause of the fact that during pregnancy there are pulsating tremors in the abdomen is the banal stirring of the baby. That's how future moms describe the first time the stirring of a baby. This fact directly explains that a woman's belly pulsates during pregnancy.

What should I do if my stomach ripples during pregnancy?

If suddenly during pregnancy throbes stomach at an early age, a woman must necessarily inform the observing doctor. Only after examination, a specialist can assume a probable cause.

In those cases when pulsation has caused compression of the vena cava, doctors advise to follow certain rules in order to avoid this in the future.

So, during sleep, you must avoid sitting on your back. The best thing for a pregnant woman to rest, lying on her side.

Thus, when during pregnancy a woman pulsates in the abdomen, it is very important to establish the cause of this phenomenon. However, in most cases, it almost does not cause anxiety in doctors, as it disappears as a result of compliance with the pregnant data recommendations.