What can a nursing mother with a cold?

Unfortunately, during breastfeeding a woman can get a cold. The complexity of the lactation period is that only a limited number of medications can be used by the nursing mother, and therefore treatment should be started as early as possible when they are most effective.

The scheme of how to be treated by a breastfeeding mother with a cold, and that of the drugs can be taken, should be adjusted and appointed by the district doctor, which is certainly worth turning to. But with the list of approved medications for breastfeeding can be found in this article.

The answer to the question, which, probably, worries all inexperienced moms - whether it is possible to breast-feed for a cold, is actually quite simple. Feeding the baby can not be stopped in any case, because with milk the child receives antibodies from the mother to the viruses, which means that his immunity is trained. You should wear a sterile bandage and change it every two hours.

What can I take breastfeeding mothers for a cold?

For the treatment of simple acute respiratory disease, even with temperature, the use of antibiotics is not justified. But antiviral drugs such as Interferon, Grippferon, Viferon will be very handy, and the sooner they begin to use, the sooner the cold will pass. To prevent them, you can poke and baby.

From the throat antimicrobial agents Sebidin, Chlorhexidine and Strepsils will perfectly help - they are all allowed for use by nursing mothers. To lubricate the throat is suitable Lugol solution with glycerin, which is applied with a cotton swab.

Coryza can be cured by means of Naphthyzine, Nazivin, Galazolin, and also by herbal Pinosol . Coping with a cough will help Ambroskol or Lazolvan, and with a high temperature of Paracetamol.

What can I drink to a nursing mother for a cold?

But what about all kinds of hot teas based on Paracetamol? They are forbidden to use in lactation, because in addition to the main active substance in them, there are also harmful components for the baby.

It is better if my mother drinks raspberry, cranberry and currant fruit drinks, as well as a lime decoction. But they should be used with caution, so as not to provoke a baby allergy. Of folk remedies are good inhalation, warm baths for feet and milk with honey - old proven means.