Test for debauchery

Libertinism is the inability of man to curb his desires and needs, which leads to the loss of discipline, depravity and immorality. Sexual promiscuity assumes a person's willingness to enter into sexual contact with any member of society, regardless of his moral principles. If you are interested in the topic of sexual promiscuity, and you want to know how much you are dissolving, then this test is unequivocal for you.

Test for sexual promiscuity

The test for sexual promiscuity allows you to determine the extent of your debauchery. It's worth it to be alone with you and answer all questions honestly. Otherwise, you risk deceiving yourself. Why it is necessary to pass it alone? Because the test contains explicit questions of a sexual nature, answers to which in the presence of someone will not be very convenient. If you are disgusted to talk about such topics, and you consider the passage of this test immoral, it is better not to even look at it. Also, passing the test is not recommended for persons under the age of majority.

Check for promiscuity is carried out with the help of the tables below, which contain test questions. For each positive answer, charge yourself the points indicated in the $ equivalent. On passing the test, calculate the amount of accumulated points and see the results of the test for sexual promiscuity.

Table 1.

Table 2.

Table 3.

Table 4.

Results of the test for sexual promiscuity

Now you know exactly how much you are sexually dissolute. If the result does not satisfy you, then in your life it is worth changing something. After all, change always goes to man for good.