Pregnancy 23-24 weeks

Pregnancy in the period of 23-24 weeks corresponds to 6 months. This period of development of the future baby is also important and beautiful, as well as the previous weeks. A pregnant woman has new interesting sensations and a figure changes. We will take a closer look at the features of 23 and 24 of the obstetric pregnancy week.

Pregnancy 23-24 week - sensations of the future mother

Pregnant woman during this period feels quite comfortable, has already caught a cold and a trace of exhausting toxicosis, frequent changes of mood, weakness and drowsiness . There may be new addictions in food and drink. The tummy is even larger in size and requires spacious clothing.

The height of the bottom of the uterus is 21-25 cm. The future mother increasingly feels pushing her future baby, changing his position and hiccough. At this time, the fetus actively grows and stretches the walls of the uterus, which a pregnant woman can feel as unpleasant pulling sensations on both sides of the uterus.

The load on the spinal column increases, because the center of gravity continues to shift forward. Therefore, the unpleasant feelings in the lumbar region of the spine are becoming more and more common for the pregnant woman. And after a long vertical position, aching pains increase, forcing the future mother to sit down or take a horizontal position. Even more unpleasant moment is the appearance of pain in the area of ​​the pubic symphysis associated with a gradual divergence of the pelvic bones.

Fetal condition at 23-24 weeks of gestation

During this period, your baby already reaches 28-30 cm, and weight up to 500 grams. He still looks like a small wrinkled old man, his skin is red and thin. In the uterus, it is located in an embryonic posture, in which it occupies not so much space. It is already large enough that Mom felt his wiggling, but small enough to often change its position in the uterus. Most of the time the fetus is in a state of sleep. The sufficient activity of the baby is evidenced by a sensation of movement at least 10 times a day. In this gestational age, the future child can do many things: he sucks a finger, blinks into a bright light, can study himself and the walls of a fetal bladder. The fetus is able to hear at this age, so mother is recommended to read fairy tales and listen to beautiful music.

Lifestyle of mother at 23-24 week of pregnancy

A woman during this period of pregnancy will have to give up tight clothes and shoes with heels. Many women develop and develop varicose veins of the lower extremities, possibly the appearance of hemorrhoids. With an increase in the duration of pregnancy, these problems will be exacerbated if you do not go to the doctor and start treatment.

If the 2 trimester of pregnancy falls on the spring-summer period, then you should avoid getting on the skin of ultraviolet rays. The skin during this period is very sensitive, and this can lead to the formation of pigment spots. In the second trimester of pregnancy and on the 23rd week, including any negative effects on the future mother (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, work at harmful chemical plants), according to doctors, will negatively affect the health of the fetus.

It is more difficult to engage in sex and not so interesting, a woman becomes less active, and many poses are generally inaccessible. Because of the increased pressure in the abdominal cavity, heartburns are frequent, so you should eat more often in small portions.

Thus, 23 and 24 weeks of pregnancy are unique and interesting in their own way. On the one hand, a woman increasingly understands that a new life is developing within her. And on the other - there are problems with health, which cloud the joy of expecting the baby.