What kind of fruit can a nursing mother?

After experiencing a difficult and exciting process of childbirth, Mom needs to adapt almost immediately to a new rhythm of life. Moreover, changes will affect all its sides, and nutrition - in particular. After all, now everything that a woman ate through the milk gets into the baby's body. Fruits for nursing give a large complex of such important vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients.

Can I breastfeed my mother?

Physicians are of the opinion that everything that the maternal organism desires and should be eaten. This is what makes it possible to bring in your menu those fruits with lactation that you want at the moment. Do not submit to the pressure of relatives, loved ones and doctors who unanimously assert that the fruit in breastfeeding is an obligatory product in the mother's diet. Do not want to - do not force yourself!

Effects of fruits during breastfeeding

Their consumption very often causes allergic reactions in the baby, especially if the non-perception of certain types of fruit is noted in a close relative. Allergy, like other genetic diseases, has the property to be passed on from generation to generation. Also, one should not overlook the fact that some fruits for nursing mothers bring more harm than good. For example, can induce indigestion, intestines, constipation, rashes and other "protests" of the body.

Rules for the use of fruits during lactation

There are several simple rules that can reduce the risk of negative impact of fruit on the mother and child, and increase their usefulness. So:

Compliance with the above recommendations is not particularly difficult, given that it is a wide range of consumed products that will provide your baby with adequate nutrition.

What kind of fruit can a nursing mother?

As already mentioned above, you can eat almost everything, the main thing is to observe the measure. Preference should be given to familiar and "native" fruits, namely:

What kind of fruit can I use as a nursing mother?

Do not get discouraged by seeing such a short list of allowed products with the abundance that is offered. If you closely follow the reaction of the baby and consume everything in small amounts, then you can expand it and add fruits such as:

What kind of fruit can not be breastfeeding mom?

Undoubtedly, even the observing doctor can not answer this question, because what harms one is the necessary component for another. Taboos for fruit consumption are mainly based on the huge content in them Pesticides, stimulants and other chemicals. Therefore, sometimes all "overseas" fruits can get under the ban. But not everyone has the opportunity to include fruits in their diet from their own garden.

The decision on what kind of fruit can be taken when lactating a woman independently, based on her own intuition, observations and experience. And to say specifically what kind of fruit can not be nourished by any specialist, because each person is individual in its own way, and the susceptibility to this or that component is different for all.