Wipe effect

Repression is a kind of protective mechanism that works against powerful desires and feelings. Often it completely prevents the perception of desires that are unacceptable to the consciousness.

Repression in psychology is not an easy process. In general, it is a process of splitting the human mind into two parts - the conscious and the unconscious. The mechanism of protection by repression works as follows: the conscious half of the mind does not perceive the unacceptable and does not even suspect its existence, while the unconscious carefully stores in itself violent feelings for the consciousness. The material stored in our memory is filtered and the one that falls into the unconscious part of it is, as it were, provided with a warning sign: "Beware! Experience or knowledge of this material can have a traumatic effect on you. "

Psychological protection by repression initially may seem contradictory and even absurd, because it is impossible to know whether or not a person really feels anything, if he claims that he has absolutely no such feelings. However, displacement is a powerful mechanism and it can only be concluded that there is an outside observer.

Freud displacement

Freud's ideas about the effect of repression lie at the basis of all psychoanalysis. Initially, Freud suggested that the displacement is the progenitor of all the protective processes of the human body. He carried out the structural division of the psyche. According to Freud, the human psyche is divided into three components: It, I and Super-I. And, proceeding from this, Freud came to the conclusion that repression is a protection of a higher order, which means that he is controlled by the Super-I. It either carries out the repression itself, or gives the task to the obedient I, who unconditionally fulfills all the requirements of the "boss".

Repression exists in the unconscious state, and hence it is simply impossible to get rid of it. To keep it, you need a certain amount of energy, which suppresses the desire to discharge. So that you do not have a neurotic state that appears due to lack of energy - rest more and do not overexert your body. And also always remember that in order to maintain your conscious and unconscious state in the norm, you need not only physical, but also emotional unloading.