Epilation with wax at home

Epilation with wax at home is the best option for combating unwanted hair for most modern women. Many women prefer to use wax instead of a traditional razor. And regular visits to beauty salons and expensive procedures are far from everyone can afford.

The principle of operation of this procedure is simple. On a site of a skin with hair the wax which penetrates to a hair bulb and freezes is put. Further, with the help of a disposable wipe or a special strip of paper, the wax is removed along with unwanted hair.

Epilation with wax at home has many advantages. First, this procedure can be used for almost any areas on the body. Secondly, wax epilation has a fairly long effect - up to 3-4 weeks. Third, hair removal with wax at home, in addition to its main function, exfoliates the skin. An important role is played by the low cost of waxing. Typically, a kit for hair removal wax costs from 8 cu. up to 120 cu There are more expensive sets, which include various exotic components. Also, you can find a cheaper option. No specialist will recommend to save much on buying a kit for waxing. Since a poor-quality product can harm the skin, and its further treatment can cost much more.

What do you need for waxing at home?

Every woman who first decided on this procedure at home, fears any possible failure. In order to avoid trouble, you should prepare everything you need in advance. To date, three methods are used: cold wax epilation, warm waxing and hot waxing. These three methods have a number of differences.

Epilation with cold wax is painful enough and takes a lot of time. This method is not recommended for too sensitive skin areas. However, cold wax for epilation is highly effective - the procedure allows you to remove even the shortest hairs.

Epilation with hot wax is not suitable for all women. Hot wax dilates the vessels, so it is not recommended to use this method for women who suffer from varicose veins. Epilation with hot wax at home is an economical option, since the wax can be used several times.

Warm waxing is the most popular. Warm wax is not irritating and is suitable for all women. This method is considered fast and hygienic. However, the cost of warm wax for epilation is the highest, in comparison with the two previous versions.

So, first of all, a woman should choose the most suitable option and purchase a kit for waxing. The recommended length of hair to be removed is 5 mm. If the hair is shorter, the wax can not grab them and skip them.

How to make hair removal wax at home?

Before proceeding to the procedure, you need to prepare wax and cosmetics. If hot or warm wax is used for epilation, it must be preheated to the desired temperature. The question "How to make wax for epilation hot?" Can not be given an unambiguous answer, since for each type of wax there is a technology for warming up. How to bring the wax for epilation to the desired temperature is usually written in the instructions that come complete with the kit. But, as a rule, the wax is heated in a water bath. For epilation, you will also need: a moisturizer (cream, gel, lotion) and a soothing remedy to relieve irritation.

Before applying the wax on the skin, it needs to be moistened and wait full absorption of the cream. After this, the wax should be spread evenly on the surface of the skin, from the top tightly attach, entering the set of strips of paper and quickly remove. On each set for epilation indicated the optimal time, through which to remove the wax from the skin. At the end of the procedure, a soothing agent should be applied to the skin, which will relieve the inflammation.

It is not recommended to start epilation with wax at home from the bikini area, face and underarms. The best part of the body for the first attempt is the legs. Before you do waxing the house at home, it will be superfluous to consult a specialist and make all inquiries about how to do waxing correctly.