Cherry compote for the winter

Summer gradually dissolves on the horizon of autumn. Some garden trees cease to bear fruit and pass the baton to others. It's time to leave a memory of a beautiful solar pore - for example, to prepare a compote of cherries, if the year turned out to be yielding.

For many housewives is not a secret, how to prepare a compote of cherries. And yet the information will be useful for less experienced in culinary arts. A delicious compote becomes with a well-chosen combination of berries, sugar and water.

The following information will be of interest to everyone who likes to prepare and drink compote from cherries. Before making compote from cherry it's time to wash the fruits and separate the stem from the berries (now there is no risk of losing the juice). Tightly lay the cherry in the jars, constantly flicking. Most often, sugar syrup is prepared for compote. Cherries are sour. It requires a syrup "fortress" of 60%. Berries and syrup fill the can to the shoulders. The necessary amount of water is heated and at the same time, the sugar is added, stirring until completely dissolved. The boiled syrup, if required, can be passed through gauze.

Disclaimer: sugar syrup can not be considered the only filling for compote. With the same success can be used and hot water without sugar. All is solved by proper sterilization . Banks 0.5 liters sterilize up to 12 minutes, 1 liter - up to 15 minutes, 2 liters - 20 minutes, 3 liters - 30 minutes.

Cherry compote for winter - prescription number 1

We offer a recipe for making compote from cherry "in a hurry"



Banks should be clean and sterilized.

Prepared cherries fall asleep in syrup and bring to a boil. The cooking time is 5 minutes. Lemon juice will give the compote a special taste. We lay out on the banks and roll.

Cherry compote for winter - prescription number 2



In the cooled sterilized cans, a cherry is spread out, filled with boiling water, covered with a lid and left in this state for up to 15 minutes. Then, add the sugar (about 300 g to a 3 l jar) into the drained liquid and bring to a boil. With a sweet solution, pour the can and roll again. To ensure that the berries are well warmed up, you can stretch the process of cooling a little, wrapping the jar in a blanket.

Compote from cherries with bones to store more than a year can not be! The process of separation of harmful hydrocyanic acid begins. If you plan to prepare a large batch of compote, try to remove the bones from the fruits in advance.

Compote of frozen cherry

If the summer is not too lazy and harvested cherry to keep in the freezer, then there is nothing better for meeting relatives and friends, how to cook compote of cherries .

Frozen cherries do not require defrosting. Preparation begins with the presence of water on the fire. In a three-liter pan let down the frozen fruit and cook for about 15 minutes. You can add ½ teaspoon of citric acid to 3 liters of water. Those who like a very sweet compote, it is recommended about 8 tablespoons per 1 liter of water. In boiled water, add sugar (you can and vanilla too). After boiling, compote leaves the fire. It takes some time to insist. This compote improves appetite, and not too sweet - quenches thirst. Since it contains a high content of iron and magnesium, doctors advise that it be included in the diet for people with low hemoglobin.

Caloric content of compote from cherries is considered average - 101 kcal per 100 g of product: almost no fat 0.3, similarly with proteins - 0.6, but carbohydrates more - 23.7, but not so much to consider it as a high-calorie. People who comply with diet regime for weight loss, dietitians are advised to take this drink, as it speeds up the metabolic process in the body and positively affects metabolism.