Aloe juice - application

Aloe vera juice is a natural product that is widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology. With the growing demand for natural products and the spread of indignation against aggressive chemicals in cosmetics, the aloe juice in the "cosmetic menu" of women has become more important. Today, with the help of this healing juice, some diseases are treated, skin, hair and nails are made more beautiful.

The healing properties of aloe vera

Before applying aloe juice, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with its properties: certainly it is a harmless product, but in order to use it effectively, you need to better understand its effect on the body.

This juice, obtained from an aloe plant that can be grown at home, primarily has an astringent property: since ancient times, with the help of it, compresses have been made to heal wounds and ulcers. The juice itself is light green in color and has a thick consistency. It contains substances that inhibit the growth of bacteria, and therefore it can be effectively used against acne, wounds and ulcers.

Thanks to its rich composition, this juice can prevent aging if it is used regularly: it is a natural and cheap anti-wrinkle product which, unlike many cosmetics, does not cause allergies.

Academician A.P. Filatov once revealed that during storage in the aloe juice, biogenic stimulators are formed, which are very effective in inflammatory skin diseases. It also contains a lot of useful vitamins, minerals and minerals that, when in contact with the skin, fill it with life and freshness, and, when ingested, give strength to the body.

Application of aloe juice in cosmetology and folk medicine

Aloe juice is most effective for problem and aging skin, since it has antiseptic, wound healing and moisturizing properties. Also this juice helps to make hair more dense, strong and shiny, and in combination with other ingredients can accelerate their growth.

In folk medicine, aloe juice is used as a remedy for eye diseases, as well as for the treatment of the digestive system.

Aloe Vera for Withering Skin

If the skin has lost elasticity, it has become dry and flabby, then aloe juice can improve the situation: for this you need to apply a few times a week special masks.

  1. With dry skin and the presence of fine wrinkles, it is recommended to make a mask on the basis of cream (2 tablespoons) and aloe juice (1 tablespoon). It is necessary to mix the ingredients and apply to the face, covering it with a cotton napkin, for 20 minutes.
  2. When flabby skin use a combination of aloe juice (2 tablespoons) and clay (2 tsp without a slide). To get a creamy mass, you can add a little water, after which the ingredients are thoroughly mixed (so that there are no lumps) and then put the mask on the face for 15 minutes.

Aloe juice from acne

To get rid of pimples, you need to add a few drops of aloe juice in your face cream, and also wipe with natural juice the inflamed patches every day. The effect does not come immediately, but the inflammation will be removed for a long time if you continue to use this method.

Aloe for hair growth

For growth and hair density, use a mixture of onion juice (2 tbsp.) And aloe juice (3 tbsp.). The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and rubbed into the scalp, trying not to apply the product to all of the hair, since the smell of onions is hard to wash off. After 1 hour, the mask is washed off with shampoo.

If the onion can not be used as part of the hair mask, then it can be eliminated, and only aloe juice is applied.

Aloe for eye treatment

To get rid of inflammation of the eyes (including purulent) or with the beginning of cataract use compresses made from aloe juice. He is bred with purified water in a ratio of 1:10 and then impregnated with a sterile bandage, which is applied to the eyes for 10 minutes. This remedy removes inflammation, muscle tension, and also disinfects, which makes it an effective remedy for conjunctivitis.