How to increase the density of hair?

There are a huge number of tips and recipes, the use of which promises magnificent chic locks and a thick braid in the shortest possible time. But if the ways how to increase the density of hair are so simple and effective, no woman should complain about rare strands. Nevertheless, this problem is actual even among very well-off ladies who can afford expensive cosmetics and a personal stylist.

Is it possible to increase the density of hair?

This parameter depends on a single factor - genetics. Unfortunately, the number of active follicles from which the hair grows can not be increased. Even plastic surgery in the form of transplantation does not help. Donor follicles, neither from the body of the patient himself, nor strangers, do not take root and subsequently perish and are rejected.

Thus, to increase the density of hair can only be due to their thickening. Next, consider what methods to achieve this.

How to increase the density of hair at home?

To begin with it is necessary to take care of health of available follicles that hair did not drop out:

  1. It is good to eat.
  2. To refuse from bad habits.
  3. Do sport.
  4. Take vitamin complexes.
  5. Properly care for your hair.
  6. Use physiotherapeutic procedures for healing (massage, darsonvalization).

We should dwell on the point about proper care for strands. Increasing the thickness of hair shampoo or balm - it's a myth. Apparent increase in density is achieved by adding silicone products to cosmetic products. These chemicals cover the hair with a film that thickens it. Simultaneously, silicones interfere with normal oxygen exchange and gradually destroy the hair shaft. In addition, they are quickly washed off.

The only harmless means for caring for curls with the effect of thickening of hair - natural henna . Dermatologists, trichologists and professional stylists recommend to select shampoos, balms-rinsers and conditioners on its basis.

Increasing the thickness of the hair mask

To make the diameter of the hair a little thicker can help some home masks.

Recipe # 1


Preparation and use

Mix all the oils, can be shaken in a closed container. First, rub the composition into the scalp, then spread the palm of the mask over the entire volume of strands. Wash your hair with organic shampoo after 35 minutes.

Recipe # 2


Preparation and use

Connect all powder components. Slightly beat the yolk with butter, dilute the resulting liquid with a dry mixture. Mask put on curls, do a scalp massage. Wrap hair with a warming cellophane hood. After 2 hours wash the strands with shampoo.