Finger gymnastics on the theme "Autumn"

For a long time scientists have proved that the development of speech in children is directly related to the development of fine motor skills and fine finger movements. The fact is that thanks to tactile sensations the child explores the world around him. These sensations, the movements of the hands, literally activate the thinking processes in the child. In order to quickly and correctly develop a fine motor skills of the hands will suit gymnastics for the fingers.

In the cerebral cortex, significant areas are allocated to the areas for the hands. These zones are located in close proximity to others, responsible, for example, for speech. Thus, when one area of ​​the brain is excited, the neighboring one is automatically connected.

If you use additional items during gymnastics, then you can combine business with pleasure: development of fine motor skills and pleasant massage. Rolling in the palm of a ball or pencil will have a beneficial, calming and relaxing effect. Especially tightly located to each other acupuncture points on the palms and fingertips.

Fingering gymnastics in verse

Gymnastics for fingers in verse will not only contribute to the development of pens, but will also become pleasant on hearing. The poetic form is easier to remember, it is melodic and easier to perceive. Such exercises for the hands teach conscious control of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, and also educate mindfulness and stimulate the development of the central nervous system. Finger gymnastics on the theme of "Autumn" will definitely have to taste and children, and their pens.

This gymnastics will help the child to relax during classes. It does not matter whether you study at home or at school, gymnastics is useful to everyone. It stimulates normal blood circulation in the hands, teaches coordination of movements, trains memory , including listening comprehension.

Developed fine motor skills (gymnastics for fingers will help) and prepare hands for school. Letter, drawing, drawing - for unprepared children become a real test. If, in advance, accustom the child's hands to the load - this will significantly reduce the level of stress from school activities. If you pre-engage in finger surgery, autumn after the first of September at the first-graders will be much easier. The handwriting will be smooth, the hand is firm, the answers are clear, and the attention is concentrated.

Doing a break for finger exercises, you will give the children the opportunity to relax morally. Funny rhymes and funny movements, will give a rest and with new strength to begin to gain knowledge.

Finger gymnastics "Autumn":

Autumn, autumn, - three palms each other

Come on! - in turn we squeeze the fists

Autumn, autumn, - three palms each other

Look! - put your hands on your cheeks

Yellow leaves turn, - movement with palms from top to bottom

Quietly fall to the ground. - we stroke our knees

The sun does not warm us any more, - in turn we squeeze the fists

The wind blows ever stronger, - we simultaneously raise the handles in different directions

To the south birds flew, - to cross handles and to move fingers

The rain comes knocking at our window. - knocking fingers on the hands

Caps, jackets , we put on - we pretend

And shoes are shoes - knock with your feet

We know the months: - to pat them on the knees

September, and October, and November. - fist, rib, palm

"Autumn leaves"

One, two, three, four, five, - bend your fingers, starting with a large

We will collect the leaves. - squeeze and unclamp the cams

Leaves of a birch, - we bend fingers, since the big

Rowan leaves,

Poplar leaves,

Aspen leaves,

We collect the oak leaves,

Mame will take the autumn bouquet - the fingers "walk" on the table.


The wind blew north, blowing on your fingers

all the leaves from the linden have blown off with-with-c -brush their hands, as if blowing off leaves

Flew, spun and fell to the ground. smoothly lower the palms with zigzags on the table

The rain began to knock on them cap-cap-drip - to tap with his fingers on the table

cap-drip-drop - tap your fingers on the table

Hail on them pinned, leaves all through through, - knock with their fists on the table

snow then sweat, - smooth movements back and forth with brushes

The blanket covered them. - press your hands firmly against the table

"We are going to the autumn forest" (I. Mikheyev)

We are going to the autumn forest. - marching on the spot

And in the forest full of wonders! - We raise hands in the parties, "we are surprised"

The rain passed yesterday in the forest - we shake the palms of both hands

It is very good. - clap your hands

We will search for mushrooms - put the palm to the forehead, look then in one direction, then in the other direction

And in the basket to collect. - they take their hands in front of them in the "basket"

Here are the butteries, - one finger on both hands is bent simultaneously for each mushroom name

Honey on the stump,

And in the moss - chanterelles,

Friendly sisters. - make beckoning movements with your hands

"Podisinovik, pile, - threaten with the index finger of the right hand

Get in the bodies! - sit down, hug yourself

Well, and you, fly agaric, - get up, we spread our hands in the sides

Decorate the autumn forest! "