Properties of the mind

In modern ideas of scientists the psyche is regarded as a special property of the brain, namely, one of its most complex functions. It is in it that the image of reality is formed, here all memories of the past, present and ideas about a possible future are formed and organized.

Basic properties

  1. The main properties of the psyche are reflexion, reproductive, objectivization and disobjection, introverted and extraverted. Let us consider them in more detail.
  2. This property of the psyche, as objectification and disobjection, is the ability of psychic energy to change, to move from objects and phenomena to energy. Example: the writer is projecting his energy in his works, and for his readers through reading and perception, there is a disobjection of energy.
  3. An important property of the human psyche - introverted, or the direction of the psyche to themselves. Extravertedness shows the other side of the psyche - its openness to cognition, the focus on the world.
  4. Psychological reproductivity is a property through which a person has the ability to reproduce the previous mental state. Example: having experienced a great disappointment, after a period of rest the psyche will return to the past state.
  5. Reflection is the most important property that characterizes the perception of the world, the ability to transfer what is happening to oneself, to comprehend, creating from the information one's own psychic. Example: in childhood even political changes can seriously affect the psyche and even change it.

It is worth noting that it is thanks to reflection that a person can adapt to a new environment or changes in the old environment. In general, all these properties make a person as multifaceted as he is.