Gloksinia from seeds at home

Many have houseplants on the windowsills, but only true flower growers are engaged in growing flowers from seeds. Of course, caring for an adult plant is much easier, but watching a flower gradually turning from a small seed to a real wonder of wildlife in your home is a very fascinating process. So, let's learn the peculiarities of growing an interesting and beautiful flower with seeds - gloxinia.

How to grow gloxinium from seeds?

If you want to get pyshnotsvetuschuyu gloxinium from seeds at home, then you should:

  1. Seed the planting material . Seeds can be purchased at the store or, if you already have gloxinia, assemble yourself.
  2. Prepare the soil . For this purpose, a light and loose soil mix consisting of sand, sheet, turf and peat land mixed in equal proportions is taken. It should be calcined in a microwave at maximum power or shed with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Sow the seeds . Since they are extremely small and have the property of rising in the light, they are laid out on the surface of the soil, without pressing. For better germination, it is recommended to create a mini-greenhouse by covering a container with seed glass, a plastic cup or a film. By the way, it will be correct to plant gloxinia seeds in February or March, as soon as the light day will not be less than 10 hours, and the sprouts do not have to be lightened . When planting in February-March, the plant will please you with its first flowering in July-August of the same year.
  4. Provide the necessary mode . Gloxinia sprouts appear on the 12-15 day after sowing, and they need the following regimen:

The first picking takes place a month later, when the first real leaflets appear. You need to do this carefully, so that the tender root system of the young sprout is not damaged. Then you are waiting for a few more pickings with a gradual increase in the landing capacity.

As you can see, even at home gloxinium can be easily multiplied by seeds. Unsuccessful attempts, when it is impossible to grow gloxinium from seeds, are possible only in case of non-observance of the conditions described above.