"Ground" from weeds

The exhausting struggle with weeds on the plot of land is very overshadowing the summer of every summer resident. No sooner had we weeded the vegetable garden, a week later weeds again. And if the summer turned out to be rainy, then this is a real paradise for weeds. If they are not destroyed in time, then this will affect cultural plants, because weeds, like vampires, suck out from the soil all the useful microelements and moisture that plants need. And if the weed throws an ear with seeds, then the next year the work to combat them gardener is ensured. And this continues from year to year.

In order to effectively combat weeds on the plot, there are herbicides of continuous action. That's just not all consumers know about them, and if they do, they do not rush to take advantage of fear for their harvest, and continue to struggle with weeds in the old fashion.

One of such highly effective means of weeds became Ground. With its help to fight weed grass has become much easier and more effective, because over time, with the regular use of "Ground" against weeds, you can completely and permanently forget about them, only occasionally resorting to his help.

"Ground bio" from weeds - the principle of action and precautionary measures

Getting on the green parts of the plant, such as the stem and leaves, the preparation is absorbed by the plant in five to six hours and gradually penetrates into the root. The action of this herbicide can be seen in a week - the weed gradually turns yellow and fades. And after two or three weeks the plant completely dries up and dies.

In order that such metamorphosis does not occur with tomatoes, cucumbers and other garden crops that are adjacent to weeds, during processing they must be protected with some covering material. Treatment of weeds should be conducted in a calm and calm weather, so that with a gust of wind the drug does not hit the neighboring cultural plant.

Experienced truck farmers recommend spraying the drug in the early morning or evening after sunset. Firstly, in order for the drug to stay as long as possible on the leaves and not be dried by the sun's rays. And secondly, as practice shows, the vapors of this chemical are irritating to insects, in particular, wasps and bees. They become very aggressive and sting man. Therefore, you should wait until sunset, when insects will no longer be active.

The preparation from the weeds "Ground", getting into the soil, quickly ceases to be active and does not affect the root system of other plants, does not soil the soil and is not toxic.

How to apply "Ground" from weeds?

Herbicide "Ground" is sold in various packages and form. It can be a powder, an ampoule with a concentrate or a tube. Active active substance in it is glyphosphate, concentration of 360 grams per liter.

Spray for spraying immediately before work. On each of the packages the consumption of the preparation and the necessary amount of water are written, in which it must be dissolved. Do not use metal containers for solution. It is advisable to cook it right away in a sprayer, which you will sprinkle with weeds.

The pressure in the sprayer should be minimal so that fine dust does not form and does not fall on neighboring plants. For the same reason, do not spray with small sprayers.

The drug can be used on any areas on which there is an unnecessary grass, whether it is a waste land, or a garden. Before processing, you do not need to dig up the ground, because then the plant breaks off the root, and the drug will not have the proper effect. The most convenient is the treatment of the site three weeks before the planting of cultivated plants, but it is possible during the entire vegetation period, while observing the precautionary measures.