Essential oil of juniper

Familiar to many the scent of juniper gives peace, tranquility and even relieves headaches. Dried twigs and fruits of this plant retain their unique smell for a long time. Of these, and extracted essential oil of juniper, which has healing properties.

Essential oil of juniper - properties

It is difficult to overestimate all the advantages of juniper essential oil. In appearance - it is a transparent light yellow or pale green viscous liquid. It is sold, as a rule, in bottles with the inscription "Juniperus ordinary. Essential oil". The smell of juniper oil is so sharp that at first impression it seems unpleasant and resembles the smell of turpentine. But in the diluted form or during evaporation in aromalamp, essential oil gives a unique wonderful aroma. Juniper oil perfectly blends with orange and lemon oils. Among the useful properties of juniper oil, the main ones are:

In different dosages and with the addition of various components, juniper essential oil is used to treat almost all human organs.

Essential oil of juniper - application

Due to its miraculous aroma, juniper essential oil is used to improve the function of the nervous system. A few drops of oil in the aroma lamp improves sleep and eliminates the effects of stress.

With the help of juniper oil you can get rid of harmful toxic substances. The diuretic property of the oil makes it possible to purify the body. These same properties of juniper are used to treat diseases of the urinary system, inflammation of the kidneys.

Essential oil of juniper is also used as a dietary supplement. It improves digestion and metabolism.

Inhalations using juniper oil help to get rid of diseases of the respiratory system, as well as quickly cope with the common cold.

Massage and compresses with essential oil of juniper relieve pain in arthritis, rheumatism and gout.

Violation of the monthly cycle can also be corrected with the help of essential oil. Juniper regulates the function of the ovaries, eliminates the inflammatory processes of the genital organs.

Gadgets with juniper oil effectively cope with hemorrhoids.

Essential oil of juniper for hair

Masks for hair with the addition of juniper oil prevent the appearance of dandruff, improve the metabolism of the scalp. Thus, the hair grows faster, becomes docile and shiny. One of the most effective masks is repejno-juniper:

  1. 10 drops of essential oil of juniper and juice of half a lemon add to 3 tablespoons. burdock oil.
  2. We put the mixture on the scalp, wrap the head in polyethylene and put on a kerchief or a light hat made of natural fabric.
  3. After 40 minutes. The mask can be washed off with warm water and shampoo.

With the help of essential oil of juniper it is possible to get rid of a pediculosis. It is necessary to apply a mixture of juniper oil with any other vegetable edible oil on the scalp and leave to act for about 2 hours. Strong fragrance simply kills parasites. In this procedure, the application of juniper oil is very pleasant and useful for strengthening the structure of the hair.

Essential oil of juniper for face

Skin face, prone to frequent acne, can be "saved" essential oil of juniper. Thanks to its antiseptic and cleansing properties, pores are cleared, inflammations on the skin disappear, and the pore edges soften. Juniper oil can penetrate even the most clogged pores and eliminate excessive sebum. Adjusting the work of the sebaceous glands prevents the appearance of new acne and acne. As a result, the facial skin becomes smooth and clean.

Dilute 4 drops of juniper essential oil in a tablespoon of vegetable oil of black cumin. The resulting mixture daily wipe skin areas on which there are black dots and acne.